j.k.罗琳|爱谈人生,绝不是一种病( 三 )

Here is how JK perceived her rock bottom:
“I had failed on an epic scale. An exceptionally short lived marriage had imploded and I was a jobless alone parent and as poor as it was possible to be in Britain without being homeless.”
我遇到了前所未有的挫败 。 意外短暂的婚姻遗憾而终 , 我成了一个没有工作的单身母亲 , 除了还不至于无家可归外 , 当时要多穷有多穷 。
You too can build up from your own rock bottom, laying a foundation for your dreams and goals, no matter where you are at in this very moment.
不管此时此刻境遇如何 , 你都可以从低谷开始 , 为自己的梦想和目标夯实基础 。
What can you strip away? What is inessential in your life? What will be left? What’s left is only what’s important to you along with inner security that you are choosing only a path that is right for you.
你能摆脱什么?哪些是你生活中无关紧要的?剩下的又会是什么?剩下的才是真正重要的 , 怀着内心的安全感 , 你选择那条唯一正确的道路 。
Poverty itself is romanticized only by fools. It means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships.”
“无知的人才会将贫穷浪漫化 。 贫穷意味着数不尽的羞辱和艰辛 。 ”

