中国首个旱地冰球教练研讨会在哪里召开,旱地冰球大学好过吗( 二 )

– From the IFF point of view it is very unfortunate that the CFD and the Rockwind brand has not only misused their IFF approval and not followed the IFF Material Regulation, but not worked together with the CFF, as it harms not only the Rockwind brand, the CFD, the CFF, but also IFF and Floorball at large in China, says IFF Secretary General John Liljelund.
“从IFF的观点来看,令人遗憾的是CFD和Rockwind品牌不仅滥用IFF授权并违反IFF材料准则,而且他们也没有和CFF合作 。这不仅伤害了Rockwind品牌,CFD,CFF,同样对IFF和中国的旱地冰球发展大局造成了损失 。”IFF秘书长John Liljelund(约翰?利杰兰德)先生说 。
The CFD has also in the meeting with IFF and the CFF agreed to stop all activities which are not in the best interest of the overall Floorball development in China.
CFD也在与IFF和CFF的会议上同意停止所有不利于中国旱地冰球整体发展的活动 。
In connection to the development of Chinese floorball, IFF is very happy to announce that it has signed an agreement with the Finnish Kisakallio Sport Institute, which has the export rights for educational services of the Finnish Ministry to set up an education system for Floorball Coach Instructors, in cooperation with the China Floorball Federation. The aim is to build a three level coach education system for Chinese PE teachers and to start school leagues in a number of cities in China.
为了中国旱地冰球的发展,IFF非常高兴地宣布IFF和芬兰Kisakallio体育学院签署协议,该学院有芬兰部门赋予的教学服务出口权利,他们将与CFF合作,在中国建立旨在培养旱地冰球培训师的教学体系 。该项目目的是为中国的体育教师建立三个层次的教学体系,并在一部分中国城市开展旱地冰球校际联赛 。
– We are very proud that IFF has chosen the Finnish Kisakallio Sports Institute to be its Floorball education partner in China. I’m sure that our 70 years of experience and sport education knowhow give us a lot of opportunities to develop Chinese students´ and athletes’ skills and understanding about Floorball. It as an easy access sport that has a huge potential to be one of the biggest sports in China during the next five years. We are also very proud that we can start the first Kisakallio IFF certified education process for coaches in China even this autumn, says Harri Hollo, Kisakallio Marketing Director.
“IFF能够选择芬兰Kisakallio体育学院作为中国旱地冰球教学的合作伙伴 , 我们感到非常自豪 。我相信我们70年的体育教学经验能够带给中国学生更多发展机会 , 让中国学生和运动员们提高旱地冰球技术水平,加深对旱地冰球运动的理解 。作为一个容易上手的项目,在未来的五年内,旱地冰球有着巨大的潜力成为中国最大的运动项目之一 。我们非常自豪地是今年秋天我们就可以开始在中国开始进行第一次IFF认证的Kalisakallio教练教学课程 。”Kisakallio学院营销总监,Harry Hallo先生说 。
– The IFF is looking forward to having the Kisakallio education system to be a real catalyst to Floorball development in China and we believe that it will bring a lot of new coaches, referees and among all new players for Floorball, Liljelund says.
“IFF希望Kisakallio教学体系能够真正成为中国旱地冰球发展的催化剂 。我们相信它将会带来很多新教练,新裁判以及新的旱地冰球球员”IFF秘书长Liljelund(利杰兰德)说 。


3、2008年谁将旱地冰球引进中国2007年11月首个旱地冰球教练研讨会在九华山庄召开 , 专为北京地区体育老师而设,旨在将这项运动介绍给学校
