岳阳楼位于湖南省岳阳市古城西门城墙之上,下瞰洞庭 , 前望君山,自古有“洞庭天下水,岳阳天下楼”之美誉,与湖北武汉黄鹤楼、江西南昌滕王阁并称为“江南三大名楼” 。1988年1月被国务院确定为全国重点文物保护单位 。岳阳楼主楼高19.42米,进深14.54米,宽17.42米,为三层、四柱、飞檐、盔顶、纯木结构 。楼中四根楠木金柱直贯楼顶,周围绕以廊、枋、椽、檩互相榫合,结为整体 。
岳阳楼作为三大名楼中唯一保持原貌的古建筑,其独特的盔顶结构,更是体现古代劳动人民的聪明智慧和能工巧匠的精巧的设计和技能 。北宋范仲淹脍炙人口的《岳阳楼记》更使岳阳楼著称于世 。
岳阳楼位于湖南省岳阳市古城西门城墙之上,下瞰洞庭 , 前望君山,自古有“洞庭天下水 , 岳阳天下楼”之美誉 , 与湖北武汉黄鹤楼、江西南昌滕王阁并称为“江南三大名楼” 。1988年1月被国务院确定为全国重点文物保护单位 。Yueyang Tower is located on the wall of the west gate of the ancient city of Yueyang City, Hunan Province, overlooking Dongting and looking ahead to Junshan. It has been known as “Dongting Tianshui and Yueyang Tianlou” since ancient times.
It is also called “three famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River” together with Huanghe Tower in Wuhan of Hubei Province and Tengwang Pavilion in Changxi of Jiangxi Province. In January 1988, it was designated as a key cultural relic protection unit by the State Council.
岳阳楼主楼高19.42米 , 进深14.54米 , 宽17.42米 , 为三层、四柱、飞檐、盔顶、纯木结构 。楼中四根楠木金柱直贯楼顶,周围绕以廊、枋、椽、檩互相榫合,结为整体 。
The main building of Yueyang Tower is 19.42 meters high, 14.54 meters deep and 17.42 meters wide. It has three stories, four columns, eaves, helmet top and pure wood structure.
Four Nanmu gold pillars in the middle of the building run through the roof directly. They are surrounded by corridors, rafters, rafters and purlins, joining each other as a whole.
岳阳楼作为三大名楼中唯一保持原貌的古建筑,其独特的盔顶结构 , 更是体现古代劳动人民的聪明智慧和能工巧匠的精巧的设计和技能 。北宋范仲淹脍炙人口的《岳阳楼记》更使岳阳楼著称于世 。
Yueyang Tower is the only ancient building among the three famous buildings to keep its original appearance. Its unique helmet structure reflects the wisdom of the ancient working people and the ingenious design and skills of skilled craftsmen.
The famous Yueyang Tower by Fan Zhongyan in the Northern Song Dynasty made Yueyang Tower more famous in the world.
岳阳楼坐西朝东,构造古朴独特,岳阳楼台基以花岗岩围砌而成 , 台基宽度17.24米,进14.54米,高度为0.65米 。岳阳楼高度19米,在建筑风格上,前人将其归纳为木制、三层、四柱、飞檐、斗拱、盔顶 。岳阳楼是纯本结构 , 整座建筑没用一钉一铆,仅靠木制构件的彼此勾连 。
“四柱”指的是岳阳楼的基本构架,首先承重的主柱是四根楠木 , 被称为“通天柱”从一楼直抵三楼 。除四根通天柱外,其余的柱子都是四的倍数 。其中廊柱有12根;檐柱是32根 。这些木柱彼此牵制,结为整体 , 既增加了楼的美感,又使整个建筑更加坚固 。
斗拱是中国建筑中特有的结构,由于古代中国建筑中房檐挑出很长,斗拱的基本功能就是对挑出的屋檐进行承托 。这种方木块叫做“斗”,托着斗的木条叫做“拱”,二者合称斗拱 。岳阳楼的斗拱结构复杂,工艺精美,几非人力所能为,当地人传说是鲁班亲手制造的 。
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