

【闷骚是什么意思】Man show” is the transliteration of the English term “mén sāo” and originally emerged in China’s Hong Kong and Macau regions. It has gradually become a popular buzzword among the younger generation. “Mén sāo” generally refers to individuals who appear introverted on the surface but are filled with hidden passion. They are not quick to express their personal emotions or show their feelings, but in specific situations or environments, they often exhibit unexpected behaviors. This behavior has an element of “showing off” but also reflects their genuine inner thoughts and activities to some extent. Therefore, it can be understood that “mén sāo” is not necessarily a derogatory term but can actually be seen as a neutral word. This is why there is a saying: for the post-90s generation, the worst criticism of someone is being introverted, while the best compliment is being “mén sāo”.
