telnet telnet端口

步骤一:检查172.1.1.208 25端口是否开启,检查后已经开启
步骤二:其他服务器访问172.1.1.208 25端口是否能访问:用我自己的电脑访问可以访问

步骤三:测试同一网段其他的机器能否访问,在同一网段其他服务器可以访问172.1.1.208 25端口,说明不是网段的问题

步骤四:测试172.1.1.171是否可以连通172.1.1.208 服务器 , ping命令运行是通的 。
结论:问题归结到172.1.1.171服务器的设置问题,具体是哪里设置出问题尚不清楚 。
到网络上查询相关的情况 , 在国外一家论坛看到如下的信息:
You web application is not able to reach the SMTP Host using Port = 25.

Possible Reasons=E2=80=A6
1. If Web Server itself relays the email check for SMTP service = under=20 Services and as well as under IIS.
2. If Email Relay server is different make sure your web server is = able to=20 reach it (by pinging).
2a. Verify with admin, whether Port 25 is open.
3. Check Firewall (software or firewall server) on your server (to = allow=20 outgoing connection)
4. Check firewall (software or firewall server) on Relay server (to = accept=20 incoming connection from your server).
5. Check the Virus Scanner on your server. Some scanners like = MCAFee /=20 Norton disables mass mailing by default.
【telnet telnet端口】步骤五:停用MCAFee杀毒软件对邮件进出监控, 25问题得到解决
