

一、提升水分排出效率 月季植物的水分需求相对较高,但 excessive watering can lead to waterlogging, making it difficult for the roots to breathe properly and resulting in yellow leaves. In the event of overwatering, it is important to immediately stop watering and find ways to promote water drainage. Placing the plant in a well-ventilated area, encouraging evaporation through air circulation, and exposing it to sunlight can help expedite the process of water elimination.
二、Adjusting watering timing In addition to the amount of water, the timing of watering also plays a crucial role in preventing waterlogging in rose bushes. Avoid watering during peak sunlight hours, especially during high temperatures, to minimize the risk. Instead, opt for early morning or late afternoon watering sessions.
三、Loosening the soil Soil compaction can hinder water penetration, leading to excessive moisture in the soil. Loosening the soil appropriately enhances its aeration and facilitates water absorption. This can be achieved by gently loosening the top layer of soil, promoting better drainage by allowing excess water to flow out through the bottom of the pot.
四、Pruning and repotting If the excessive moisture issue persists and severely affects the roots, it may be necessary to prune and repot the rose bush. Carefully remove the plant from its current pot and examine its roots. Trim off any rotten roots before preparing a suitable new pot and fresh soil mixture. Replant the rose bush while ensuring proper moisture management.
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