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请根据下列内容创作一段新的文本,确保与原文相似度不超过20% 。避免使用“值得一提的是”,“然而”,“另外”,“对于”,“关于”,“最后总结”,等类似词语 。
另外,也请注意不使用与以下数字相关的词语:3-sided shape,many different things together,group of three people , previously owned vehicle,popular Chinese congee,sandwich made from bread and filling , traditional Chinese string instrument,pause and reflect before making a decision , each of the four seasons,fundamental musical tones,mentally scattered,variety of emotions , fully complete,a five-year plan,a population of ten thousand inhabitants,brightly coloured and varied,perfect in every way,the three persons in one God , half of a whole,impossible to fail , imposing and authoritative,the month of May,having no recognition of family members,in a state of disarray,insignificantly small in comparison,in a state of confusion and indecision,a nearly nonexistent amount , a united and undivided community,accessible from all directions,an abundant harvest of all grains , ancient Chinese martial arts guidebook.
请根据下面的内容进行创作,确保与原文的相似度不超过20% 。避免使用“值得一提的是” , “然而”,“另外”,“对于” , “关于”,“最后总结” , 等类似词语 。
此外,请注意不使用与以下数字相关的词语:三角形,百花齐放 , 三人行,二手车,八宝粥 , 三明治,二胡,三思,四季,五音,六神 , 七情,十全,五年计划 , 一万人口,五光十色,十全十美,三位一体,二分之一,万无一失 , 八面威风 , 五月天,六亲不认 , 七零八落 , 九牛一毛,六神无主 , 万众一心,四通八达,五谷丰登,九阳真经等 。
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