

【纪检部门是干什么的】国家纪检部门的主要职责包括以下几点:为党员和国家行政机关工作人员提供党风廉政和纪律教育,同时组织和指导纪检监察系统干部的培训工作 。该部门主管全党的纪律检查工作,并协助各级政府加强党风建设,并对党的路线、方针、政策和决议的执行情况进行检查 。根据干部管理权限和分工 , 该部门负责纪检、监察干部的管理工作 。此外,该部门还负责受理党员的控告和申诉,以及进行纪检、监察工作理论及相关问题的调查研究工作 。此外,该部门还组织起草有关行政监察工作的地方性法规草案及规定 。该部门也负责检查和处理国家行政机关各部门、企业内部的党的组织以及政府管理的党员领导干部,对其违反党的章程的行为做出决定或取消处分 。此外,该部门还承办政府和监察部交办的其他工作 。Overall, the main responsibilities of the national disciplinary inspection department include providing education on party conduct and discipline to party members and employees of state administrative organs, organizing and guiding the training of cadres in the disciplinary inspection and supervision system. The department is in charge of the party’s discipline inspection work across the party, assisting governments at all levels in strengthening party conduct, and inspecting the implementation of the party’s line, guidelines, policies, and decisions. It is responsible for the management of disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres according to their management authority and division of labor. It accepts accusations and appeals from party members, and is responsible for conducting research on disciplinary inspection and supervision theory and related issues. It also organizes the drafting of local regulations and provisions on administrative supervision work. The department inspects and handles cases of violations of the party’s Constitution by party organizations within various government departments and enterprises, as well as party members who are under government management, making decisions to impose or revoke disciplinary actions. It also undertakes other tasks assigned by the government and the supervision department.
