

  • Fool is a term used to describe someone who lacks intelligence or common sense. It refers to an individual who makes foolish choices or behaves in a silly or irrational manner.
  • Etymologically, the word “fool” derives from the Latin word “folus” which means lacking good sense. Across cultures, fools have been portrayed in literature, theater, and folklore as comical characters prone to making comedic mistakes.
  • In psychology, a fool is often associated with the concept of a “jester” or “clown,” who uses humor and wit to entertain and amuse others. They often display a childlike innocence and are skilled in making people laugh with their foolish antics.
  • In the context of tarot cards, the Fool card represents new beginnings, spontaneity, and embracing uncertainty. It symbolizes a journey into the unknown with a sense of curiosity and optimism, reminding us to take risks and learn from our mistakes.
