the国际快讯 |NPD 集团称“强制戴口罩的时代”已结束,让你的嘴唇再次闪耀起来吧

Lips shine again in France with the end of compulsory mask wearing
the国际快讯 |NPD 集团称“强制戴口罩的时代”已结束,让你的嘴唇再次闪耀起来吧

【the国际快讯 |NPD 集团称“强制戴口罩的时代”已结束,让你的嘴唇再次闪耀起来吧】Lip glosses, lipsticks, and other beauty products for the lips have suffered the brunt of the shock of the pandemic. In most countries, the mandatory wearing of a face cover has led women to give up with the deep anchored habits of colouring their lips. This switch had a direct impact on sales lipstick sales, as well as on other several makeup products. However, as many countries are now lifting most health restrictions the situation is changing. In France, sales of prestige lip products surged immediately after the end of restrictions, on March 14, according to The NPD Group.
The end of the obligation to wear a mask in all public venues - with the exception of indoor transport and health facilities - led to an immediate surge in sales of prestige lipsticks in France, found The NPD Group.
Ten times faster than the overall market
According to the market research firm, sales of prestige makeup products for the lips increased by 30% during the week starting March 14, 2022, the day the restrictions were lifted. Such a significant increase is to be compared with sales beauty products in the selective channel, which rose by about 3% at the same moment. Such a surge illustrate clearly the renewed interest in a part of the face that had been concealed for more than two years.
“The lifting of face cover rules has literally boosted lip makeup sales. Indeed, many consumers have celebrated this newfound freedom by buying a new lipstick. This is excellent news for make-up brands that were dramatically challenged by the pandemic,” said Mathilde Lion, Europe beauty expert at The NPD Group.
Sales in the prestige make-up category increased 8%
In the selective channel, overall makeup sales were up 8% in just one week, driven by the lips segment, which was the main contributor to the category sales growth during this period. As far as lipsticks are concerned, sales surged by +35% compared to the previous week.
Beyond figures, the growing interest in lip glosses and lipsticks is clearly visible on online platforms, and even more on social networks. It is likely that new trends will emerge from this renewed enthusiasm, which expected to strengthen as summer approaches. In any case, the #lipstick hashtag has accumulated more than 11 billion views on TikTok, demonstrating that lip makeup has - probably - still a bright future ahead of it.
口罩时代结束 , 嘴唇再次闪耀
唇彩、口红和其他唇部美容产品首当其冲受到疫情冲击 。 在大多数国家 , 强制佩戴面罩已导致女性放弃了为嘴唇着色的根深蒂固的习惯 。 这一转变对口红销售以及其他几种化妆品的销售产生了直接影响 。 然而 , 由于许多国家现在正在取消大多数健康限制 , 情况正在发生变化 。 据 NPD 集团称 , 在法国 , 3 月 14 日限制结束后 , 高级唇部产品的销量立即飙升 。
NPD 集团发现 , 在所有公共场所(室内交通和卫生设施除外)佩戴口罩的义务结束后 , 法国高档口红的销量立即激增 。
根据市场研究公司的数据 , 从 2022 年 3 月 14 日(解除限制之日)开始的一周内 , 唇部高级彩妆产品的销售额增长了 30% 。 如此显着的增长与选择性渠道销售的美容产品相比 , 同期增长了约3% 。 这样的激增清楚地表明 , 人们对隐藏了两年多的面部部分重新产生了兴趣 。
Mathilde Lion“口罩的取消确实促进了唇妆的销售 。 事实上 , 许多消费者通过购买新口红来庆祝这种新自由 , 这对于受到疫情严重挑战的彩妆品牌来说是个好消息 。 ” NPD集团的欧洲美容专家Mathilde Lion表示 。
