
1、让快乐与你轻轻拥抱 , 让困难见你乖乖让道 , 让烦恼偷偷走掉 , 让吉祥对你格外关照 , 让幸福对你永远微笑!六一节快乐!
So happy with you gently hug ,  let difficulties you Guaiguai Road ,  let the secretly Zoudiao trouble ,  let the good luckto youall theattention ,  let the happiness for youalwayssmile! Happy 61!
2、生活多微笑 , 童心永在;心情要舒畅 , 童趣拥有;一切更美好 , 童真永留;六一儿童节 , 愿你万事顺利 , 身体安康如意 , 祝儿童节日快乐 。
Lifesmile ,  innocence forever; to feelcomfortable ,  have fun; everythingbetter ,  innocence forever; Children's Day ,  wish you thebest of luck ,  healthy happiness ,  I wish the children happy holidays.
3、一天天走远 , 一夜夜演变 , 一年年走远一个回不去的童年 。一次次想念 , 一封封信笺 , 一条条短信送回你一个快乐的儿童节!
One day go far ,  the evolution of one night , ayear to go farawayareturn to the childhood.Amiss , aletter , amessage sent to youahappy children's day!


4、六一来临之际 , 送给你六个一:一筐开心果 , 一株幸福花 , 一条康庄道 , 一匹成功马 , 一片吉祥云 , 一个如意刷 。祝你六一快乐!
Children's Dayapproaching ,  I will give you the six:abasket of pistachios , astrain flower of happiness , aHong Chong Road , asuccessful horse , apiece of Ji Xiangyun , awishfulbrush. I wish you 61 happy!
5、童年原是一生最美妙的阶段 , 那时的孩子是一朵花 , 也是一颗果子 , 是一片朦朦胧胧的聪明 , 一种永不息的活动 , 一股强烈的欲望 。
Childhood is the most wonderful thing in the life of the stage ,  then the child isaflower ,  isalsoafruit ,  isahazysmart , anever incomeactivities , astrong desire.
6、六一儿童节到了 , 愿你重现曾经的纯真 , 再现童年的天真 , 拾回过去的童趣 , 找回逝去的童颜 , 追随适龄儿童幸福快乐的脚步 , 再欢快一把 , 祝六一儿童节快乐 。
Children's Dayarrived ,  you may return once pure reproduction ,  childhood innocence , areturn of the past innocence ,  lost child ,  follow the school-age children happy feet ,  thenacheerful ,  happy Children's Day happy.
7、一粒糖果 , 打跑眼泪;一个故事 , 哄你睡觉;若受委屈 , 嘴巴扁扁鼻涕冒;若是难受 , 小打小闹一直绕 。六一到了 , 宝贝就该笑口常开 。
A candy ,  hitand run tears;astoryand coax you to sleep; if the wronged ,  take mouth is flat nose; if uncomfortable ,  hasbeen chippingawayaround. 61 ,  thebaby should laugh.
8、放下世故的圆滑 , 让单纯为我们的心灵洗礼;放下成熟的稳重 , 让童趣为我们释放压力;六一儿童节到 , 愿你保持一颗童心 , 祝你快乐无边!
Put down the sophisticated sleek ,  letalone for our spiritualbaptism; put the mature steady ,  let's release the Pssure for us; Children's Day ,  may you maintainachildlike innocence ,  I wish youahappyboundless!
