

1、“七”待是你 , “夕”望是你 。
\"Seven\" is for you \"Xi\" is for you.
2、七夕时刻 , 始终有你 。
You are always here on the lunar July 7th.
3、牛郎和织女 , 而你和我在一起 。
The Cowherd and the weaving woman while you are with me.
4、一年一度喜相逢 。
The annual reunion.
5、我的爱情来了 。

My love is coming.
6、打扰一下 , 拍个合照 。
Excuse me. Let's take a group photo.
7、喜提男友 , 女友上线 。
She liked to mention her boyfriend and her girlfriend was online.
8、你来的时候 , 风都是甜的 。
When you came here the wind was sweet.
9、想你 , 想你 , 想你 。

I miss you miss you miss you.
10、官宣 , 你是我的 。
Official you are mine.
11、今天、明天、后天、每一天都有你 。
You will be with me today tomorrow the day after tomorrow and every day.
12、因为喜欢 , 所以喜欢 。
Because she liked him so she liked him.
13、我不善言辞 , 请用余生证明 。

【命尢己造|七夕情人节文案,挑一句送给你】I'm not good at words. Please prove it with the rest of your life.
14、我喜欢你 。
I like you!
15、今天没有文案 , 只有你 。
There is no copy today only you.
16、三生有幸 , 今生与你一起相遇 。
I'm so lucky to meet you this life.
17、相识、相知、相逢、相爱 。

They knew each other met each other and loved each other.
18、往后余生 , 万般皆是你 。
You will be the only one in the rest of your life.
19、爱你 , 很简单 , 有你就好 。
It's easy for me to love you. As long as I have you.
20、七夕情人节 , 每天如此 。
On Valentine's day it was like this every day.
以上图片均来源于网络 , 侵权删 。
