

生活中 , 我们要有闲着没事走的心态 , 也要有勇往直前的信念 。
In life we should have the mentality of walking idle but also have the faith to go forward.
【焕焕星座|值得细细品味的情感句子,简短精致,幸福满满】时光荏苒 , 光阴荏苒 , 人的一生 , 痛苦和孤独挥之不去 , 再好的东西 , 总有一天会失去 , 再深的记忆 , 总有一天会被遗忘 , 再爱的人 。
Time flies time flies human life the pain and loneliness it is a good thing one day will lose then deep memory one day it will be forgotten and a loving person
总有一天会远离 , 甚至美好的梦 , 总有一天会被唤醒 , 该放弃的永远不会被挽留 , 该珍惜的永远不会放手 。
Will one day be far away from and even beautiful dream one day it will be awakened this give up never keep this value will never let go of.
见面只是开始 , 珍惜 , 才可以相伴一生 。
Meeting is just the beginning; Cherish can accompany a lifetime.
幸福的五个原则:心中无恨 , 脑中无忧 , 生活简单 , 多付出 , 少期待 。
Five principles of happiness: no hate in your heart no worry in your mind live simply give more expect less.
一个人真正的力量不在于他能做什么 , 而在于他能承受什么 。
A man's true strength lies not in what he can do but in what he can bear.
人生最幸福的事 , 就是你累了 , 却开心了 。 如果你现在不累 , 将来会更累 。
The happiest thing in life is when you are tired and happy. If you are not tired now you will be more tired in the future.
给时间 , 过去的就让它过去 , 让新的开始重新开始 。
Give time to let bygones be bygones and to start anew.
我觉得所谓的爱 , 就是你面对的那个人 , 他的情绪和你的频率一样 。
I think the so-called love is that you face the person his mood and your frequency.
明知道时间留不住 , 没必要伤春伤秋 , 知道感情不能刻意 , 就不会为谁找到生活 。
Knowing that time can not stay there is no need to hurt spring hurt autumn; Know that feelings can not deliberately will not find life for who.
知道遗忘总是不可避免的 , 你不会为一时的遗忘而难过;明知道过去总是存在的 , 没有必要去掩饰和炫耀 。
Know forgotten always inevitable you will not be temporarily forgotten and sad; Knowing that the past is always there there is no need to hide and show off.
