
有个低级错误要避免 。向对方介绍自己时,别说I am XX, 要说 This is XX 或者It’s XX 。



  • Hello, Lucy here. 你好,这里是Lucy 。
  • Hi, Lily. What’s up? 你好Lily,什么事?
  • How are you, Bill.
  • Hello, Lucy speaking. 你好,你正在和Lucy交谈 。
  • Jim speaking, who is calling, please? Jim正在和你交谈,请问您是哪位?
  • Mr. Wang’s office, could I know who is speaking? 这里是王先生的办公室,请问您是谁?
  • Hello, Nancy. Nice to hear from you. 你好,Nancy 。很高兴接到你的来电 。
  • Thank you for calling Bank of China, Cindy speaking. What can I do for you? 谢谢致电中行 。我是Cindy. 请问您需要什么帮助 。
  • Hello, Lily. How can I help you?
  • Hi, Billy. It’s Susan calling. 你好,这是Susan的来电 。
  • Hello, this is Lyanna Stark calling.
  • Hello. This is Andy calling from Apple Inc. 你好,我是来自苹果公司的安迪 。
  • Hi, is Ned here? 你好,Ned在吗?
  • Could I speak to Lucy in the marketing department? 我可以和营销部的Lucy通话吗?
  • Can you put John on? 请把电话给John 。
  • Can I talk to Sirius, please?
  • Is Lily available? 请问Lily有空吗 。
  • Just a second, I will see if Jim is in. 稍等,我看看Jim在吗 。
  • Hang on, I will get Jim for you. 稍等,我帮你找Jim 。
  • Hold the line please, I will put you through to the president’s office. 请不要挂机 , 我为你接总裁办 。
  • Could you speak it again and more slowly? 你能不能慢点再说一遍?
  • Would mind speaking slower for me? My English is not good. 你介意说慢点吗?我的英语不够好 。
  • Could you phone me when Mr. Wang is in office, please? 你能不能再王先生来办公室后通知我一下?
  • Can you call again latter? I have a meeting to hold. 你以后再打吧 ,  我要去开会了 。
  • I am sorry Lucy is not in at the moment. Can I take a message? 抱歉Lucy不在,我帮你留个言吧 。
  • She is busy right now. Can I tell her to call you back when she is available? 她正在忙,要不要我告诉她在有空了给你回电?
  • I will make you Jim gets your message. 我保证Jim会收到你的 。
  • Would you mind giving her a message?
  • Let me repeat your message, is it John Bush at 15866668888? 让我重复你的 , 名字是John Bush,电话是15866668888 。
  • It’s Bill, right? And you will visit our company tomorrow morning. I will let him know. Bill对吧,并且你将在明早访问我们公司 。我告诉他知道 。
  • Is that Bill Smith from Canada? 来自加拿大的比尔,对不对?
  • Hi, Jim here. I am not available at the moment. Please leave me a message after the tone. 你好,这里是Jim 。我现在没空 。请在吱吱声后给我,谢谢 。
  • Hi, this is Jim. I am sorry for being unable to answer your call at the moment. Please leave a message and I will answer you as soon as possible. 你好,我是Jim 。抱歉我现在不能接听你的电话 。请给我,我尽快答复 。
  • Thank you for calling 10086. Our working hours are 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday. Please call me back at the working hours or leave a message after the tone. Thank you. 欢迎致电10086. 我们的工作时间是朝九晚五 , 周一至周五 。请在工作时间来电,或者 。
  • Hi, Jim. It’s Li Ming. How are you doing these days. Call me. 你好,Jim 。我是李明 。近来过的怎么样?给我回电 。
  • Hello, this is Bill from Haier. Could you please return my call as soon as possible? My number is 5213344. Thank you. 你好,我是来自海尔的Bill 。请尽快给我回电,我的电话是5213344.
  • Sorry, but I have another call coming through. 对不起,我要接个电话 。
  • I think I’d better get going. 我得走了 。
  • I will talk to you later, Bye for now. 以后聊,再见 。
电话交楼的要领有几个:1-知道你在跟谁说话 。2-知道你说话的目的 。3-找到达到目的的形式和内容 。
首先是东西对礼貌的定义不一样 。美国人讲电话喜欢直来直去,如果不被对方打断就会假设对方没有疑问,没有反对意见或者想法,就会一直说下去 , 滔滔不绝 。所以在电话里,我们要学会打断对方 , 说出自己的需要和想法 。要知道何时当机立断的告诉对方:yes…sure…but here is what I am looking at 或者“I hear you my friend but what I meant was” 或者 “sorry to interrupt but that’s not what I said. What I was trying to tell you is…”
其次是语速和语音 。讲电话一定要慢,清晰,你讲电话的速度比你想象的一般要快,特别是急性子的人 , 不信可以录音自己听 。不要太多连读,不要太多使用太多俚语俗语 。要会讲大白话 。口音是个大问题 。很多美国服务业将电话客服外包到印度等英语国家,虽然这些员工经过专业培训但口音有时候依然难以理解 。这就需要你让对方重复澄清“do you mean…?” “are you saying…?” “Sorry I didn’t quite understand. What do you mean by…?”
