

面条这种食物起源于中国 , 已经有了四千多年的制作食用历史了 。中国是人类现存至今最早发现面条这种食物的地方,在2015年 , 考古学家在青海喇家村里发现了裸露在石头外面的面条 。在1400年前的《齐名要术》一书中 , 首次记载了制作面条的方法 。

我国各地关于面条的美食非常多 , 比如说北京的炸酱面、山西的刀削面、陕西的油泼面、兰州的兰州牛肉拉面、黑龙江的烤冷面、浙江的葱油面、香港的捞面、贵州的豆花面等等 。制作这种美食本身的面条是用豆类或者谷物的面粉加水研磨、揉成面团之后,再压成片或者条的一种食物,吃起来劲道爽口,是我国的主要食物之一 。


下面的是讲中国面条的 , 可以进行删减作为口语考试之素材 。
Chinese Noodles
Noodles are an essential ingredient and staple in Chinese cuisine. There is a great variety of Chinese noodles, which vary according to their region of production, ingredients, shape or width, and manner of preparation. They are an important part of most regional cuisines within China, as well as in Taiwan, Singapore, and other Southeast Asian nations with sizable overseas Chinese populations.
Chinese-style noodles have also entered the native cuisines of neighboring East Asian countries such as Korea and Japan (dangmyeon and ramen, for example, are both of Chinese origin), as well as Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, and Cambodia.
Although the Chinese, Arabs, and Italians have all claimed to have been the first to create noodles, the first written account of noodles dates from the Chinese East Han Dynasty, between AD 25 and 220. During the Chinese Song Dynasty (960–1279) noodle shops were very popular in the cities, and remained open all night.
In October 2005, the oldest noodles yet discovered were found in Qinghai, China, at the Lajia archaeological site, during excavation of a Neolithic Qijia culture settlement along the Yellow River. The 4,000-year-old noodles appear to have been made from foxtail millet and broomcorn millet. Today, millet is not a commonly used ingredient in Chinese noodles.
Chinese noodles are generally made from either wheat flour, rice flour, or mung bean starch, with wheat noodles being more commonly produced and consumed in northern China and rice noodles being more typical of southern China. Egg, lye, and cereal may also be added to noodles made from wheat flour in order to give the noodles a different colour or flavor. Arrowroot or tapioca starch are sometimes added to the flour mixture in low quantities to change the texture and tenderness of the noodles’ strands.
The dough for noodles made from wheat flour is typically made from wheat flour, salt, and water, with the addition of eggs or lye depending on the desired texture and taste of the noodles. Rice- or other starch-based noodles are typically made with only the starch or rice flour and water.
Noodles may be cooked from either their fresh (moist) or dry forms. They are generally boiled, although they may also be deep-fried in oil until crispy. Boiled noodles may then be stir fried, served with sauce or other accompaniments, or served in soup, often with meat and other ingredients. Certain rice-noodles are made directly from steaming the raw rice slurry and are only consumed fresh.
Unlike many Western noodles and pastas, Chinese noodles made from wheat flour are usually made from salted dough and therefore do not require the addition of salt to the liquid in which they are boiled. Chinese noodles also cook very quickly, generally requiring less than 5 minutes to become al dente and some taking less than a minute to finish cooking, with thinner noodles requiring less time to cook. Chinese noodles made from rice or mung bean starch do not generally contain salt.
以上就是关于面条起源,用英语介绍中国传统美德的全部内容,以及面条起源的相关内容,希望能够帮到您 。
