1、回忆就像夏日清晨的冰,一个无法用语言表达的天堂 。
【心灵善良的唯美句子 形容善良的唯美句子个性签名】 Memories are like ice on a summer morning,a heaven unfathomable by words.
2、试着成为人们传说中的那种善良的灵魂 。
Try to be that kind soul that people tell tales about.
3、爱别人是不可避免的,但远离他们是我的选择 。
Loving people is inevitable but keeping myself away them is my choice.
4、无论时间把我们带到哪里,我只是一个电话的距离 。
No matter where time takes us,i'm just a call away.
5、我们一直爱着那些不值得我们爱的人,并称之为无条件的爱 。
We keep on loving people who don't deserve our love and call it unconditional love.
6、有时候 , 天空看起来就像是有人拿起画笔,直接在上面画了一幅杰作 。我活着就是为了这个 。
Somedays the sky look as if someone took a painting brush and made a masterpiece straight out of it.i live for that.
7、让我害怕的是,随着时间的推移 , 你的记忆也会褪色 。
What scares me is that with time,your memories will fade too.
8、我们擅长把原本美好的事情搞砸 。
We are good at messing up things that could have been beautiful.
9、最糟糕的是你意识到你是那个努力保持联系的人 。
The worst thing is realising that you are the one making efforts to stay in contact.
10、当人们看着你的眼睛时,他们会撒谎,这就是我不相信承诺的原因 。
The fact that people can lie looking into your eyes is the reason why i don't believe in promises.
11、这堵墙不断倒塌,而我们却不断地以自我为中心重建它 。
The wall keeps tumbling down and we keep on rebuilding it with our egos.
12、就像月亮和太阳,我们相隔千里,却在灵魂中交织 。
Like moon and sun,we are miles apart but intertwined in souls.
13、这几年我失去的人,请不要再回来了 。
To all those people i have lost over the past few years,please don't come back.
14、我们像弦一样随时间旋转,只是为了踏得更近一点 。
Like strings we twirl with time,just to tread a bit closer.