购物口语100个 购物的英语短语怎么写

十年学英语,最后腹中空 。这是很多英语学习者的现状 。I can't stand my poor English! I can't stand my ten years of wasted time!(我无法忍受我破烂的英语 , 我不能忍受我十年来虚度的光阴! )十年前,李阳疯狂英语里如是说 。归根基地,英语口语学习需要积累与坚持 。今天小编整理一些关于购物的表达,希望大家斟酌积累,告别哑巴英语 。
Why Don't we go window shopping?
Let's go window shopping.
Shall we go window shopping?
When does tHe'store open?
What time does tHe'store open?
When do the doors open?
How'soon does tHe'store open?
Where can I find the trousers department?
Where is the trousers department located?
Where s the trousers department?
4.我想要红色衬衫 。
I want to buy a red shirt.
I'd like to buy a red shirt.
I need a red shirt.
May I help you?
Can I help you?
Can I be of any assistance to you?
How may I help you?
What can I show you?
How do you sell this?
How much do you charge for this?
How much do you want it for?
How much shall I pay for it?
What price are you asking?
How much does it cost?
7.我只是看看而已 。
I just want to look around.
I'm just looking around.
I'm just browsing.
Just looking.
8.这个比较好 。
This is better.
I like this better.
That's more like it.
9.这太贵了 。
That's more than I can afford.
That's more than I was expecting to pay.
That's more than I wanted to pay.
10.我要买那个 。
I'll take that one.
I'd like that one.
I'd like to buy that one.
I'll get that one.
Can I pay in Chinese yuan?
Do you take Chinese yuan?
Do you accept Chinese yuan?
12.我想退款 。
I'd like to get a refund.
I'd like a refund.
I'd like my money back.
13.我要买双鞋 。
I'd like to shop for a pair of shoes.
I'd like to get a pair of shoes.
I'd like to buy a pair of shoes.
I want a pair of shoes.
How do you like this pattern?
What about this pattern?
How do you think of this design?

购物口语100个 购物的英语短语怎么写
How much does it amount to?
How much does it add up to?
How much does it come to?
It's a real bargain.
It's a good buy.
It's too cheap.
17.那家商品每件物品都便宜10% 。
Everything at That'store is 10 percent off the regular price.
They make 10% discount off the price of everything.
They will offer a special discount of 10% percent.
Can I hear a little bit of this record?
Can I have a try on this record?
What book is sold best?
What book is most popular?
I'd like to get a new pair of glasses.Will you examine my eyes?
I'd like to get a new pair of glasses.Will you have a check on my eyes?
Where is the cash desk?
Where is the check out counter?
What a crowd!
It's so crowded!
What a big crowd!
When time does tHe'store close?
When is closing time?
When does tHe'store close?
Where is the fitting room?
Where is the dressing room?
25.这个真不错 。
This is nice.
This is good.
26.太艳了 。
It's too gaudy.
It's too loud.
It's too conservative.
It's too bland.
It's too plain.
It's too flashy.
Will that be cash or charge?
Cash or charge?
Will you be paying by cash or credit card?
Would you like to pay by cash or charge?
Can I use VISA?
Do you accept VISA?
【购物口语100个 购物的英语短语怎么写】 Do you take VISA?
