

Finish is a transitive verb that is followed by a noun as its object. For example, “She has not finished her homework” means that she has not completed her homework.
When finish is used as a transitive verb and is followed by a verb, the verb should be in its gerund form (-ing form) and not in the infinitive form with “to do”. For instance, “I finished cleaning our room last night” indicates that I completed the task of cleaning our room last night. It is incorrect to say “I finished to clean our room last night”.
Finish can also be used as an intransitive verb. For example, “My brother did not finish in time” implies that my brother failed to complete something on time.
【finish的用法】The phrase “be finished” is used to signify failure or collapse. For instance, “The scandal means she is finished in entertainment circles” suggests that the scandal has brought an end to her career or reputation in the entertainment industry.
