

Get, in computer programming, refers to the action of retrieving or obtaining something. It is a commonly used function or method in various programming languages.
In the context of web development, the ‘get’ method is one of the HTTP request methods. It is primarily used to retrieve data from a specified resource or URL. When a ‘get’ request is made, the server returns the requested data without modifying or altering the resource.
When using HTML forms, the attribute ‘method’ can be set to ‘get’. This indicates that the form data will be appended to the URL as query parameters and sent in the ‘get’ request. However, it is important to note that sensitive data, such as passwords, should not be sent using the ‘get’ method due to potential security risks.
【get是什么意思】In summary, the ‘get’ method is widely used in programming and web development to retrieve information or data from a specified resource. It is an important concept to understand when working with HTTP requests and HTML forms.
