注册环保工程师报名 |Registration for Certified Environmental Engineering Practitioner
1. 考生需具备大学本科及以上学历 ,
3年以上相关工作经验 。2. 登录中国环保工程师协会官网——
www.ceep.org.cn 。3. 点击“注册与报名”进入报名页面 。
填写个人信息、教育及工作经历 。4. 缴纳报名费并上传相关证明材料,
如学历证书、职称证书等 。5. 审核通过后,下载报名表,打印、签字 。
6. 报名截止日期前 , 将报名表及相关材料寄送至协会办公室 。
7. 收到材料后,协会将进行审核 。审核合格者将通知参加注册考试 。
8. 考试通过后 , 办理注册手续 ,
获得注册环保工程师资格证书 。请考生按照以上步骤在www.ceep.org.cn进行报名 。
Registration for Certified Environmental Engineering Practitioner
1. Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree or higher with
at least 3 years of relevant work experience.2. Visit the official website of China Environmental Engineering Association –
www.ceep.org.cn.3. Click on “Registration and Application” to access the registration page.
Fill in personal information, education, and work experience.4. Pay the registration fee and provide relevant supporting documents, such as academic certificates and professional titles.
5. Once approved, download the registration form, print it, and sign it.
6. Before the registration deadline, mail thecompleted form and supporting documents to the association office.
7. Upon receiving the materials, the association will conduct a review.
Qualified applicants will be notified to take the registration exam.8. Complete the registration procedure after passing the exam and
receive the Certified Environmental Engineering Practitioner certificate.【注册环保工程师在哪里报名】Applicants shouldregister on www.ceep.org.cn following the steps specified above.
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