

The composition section of the Level 4 English exam accounts for 15% of the total score, which is 106.5 points. The Level 4 English exam has a total score of 710, and the composition section is an important part of the exam that measures students’ comprehensive English ability and application skills.
The listening section accounts for 35% of the total marks. There are 8 questions in the long conversation part, with each question worth 7.1 points. There are 7 questions in the listening passage section, with each question worth 7.1 points. There are 10 questions in the speech, report, and lecture section, with each question worth 14.2 points.
The reading comprehension section also accounts for 35% of the total marks. There are 10 questions in the vocabulary fill-in-the-blank section, with each question worth 3.55 points. There are 10 questions in the long reading section, with each question worth 7.1 points. There are 2 comprehensive reading passages, with each passage having 5 questions, and each question is worth 14.2 points.
【四级英语作文多少分】The translation section, which requires translating Chinese to English, accounts for 15% of the total marks.
