

当爱情分开时 , 我们背对背朝着不同的方向走 , 我们的记忆企却停留在了原地 。
When love is apart we go back to back in different directions but our memory stays in the same place.
悲伤的旋律一遍又一遍地重复 , 并持续着哀伤 。
The sad melody is repeated over and over and continues to be sad.
如果有一天我们能再见面 , 你会和我说好久不见吗?那无法打破的痛 , 在我最察觉不到的位置隐隐作痛 。
If one day we can meet again you will say with me long time no see? That can't break the pain in my least aware of the position of dull pain.
记日记 , 不知道是笔还是记忆 。
Keep a diary do not know is a pen or memory.
谢谢你这么认真的对待我 , 选择了我的情敌 。
Thank you for taking me so seriously and choosing my rival.
时间让我看清了一切 , 你终究还是不属于我 。
Time let me see everything you still do not belong to me.
无论你走到哪里 , 都有长得像你的人 , 但不幸的是 , 你看得越多 , 距离就越远 。
Everywhere you go there are people who look like you but unfortunately the more you look the farther away you get.
我的嘴肿了 , 我的眼泪打着旋 , 我听你谈论你和她之间的浪漫 。
My mouth swelled and my tears swirled as I listened to you talk about your romance with her.
我不想拿自己和他比较 , 因为在你心里 , 我会输的很惨 。
I don't want to compare myself to him because in your mind I'm gonna lose big.
你是一个我不想醒来的梦 。
You're a dream I don't want to wake up from.
当你安静的时候 , 你总会想起那些快乐的时候 , 但其实你会忍不住笑 。
When you are quiet you will always think of those happy times but actually you can't help laughing.
我站在悬崖边上只是为了欣赏风景 , 但总有人想把我推下去 。
I stand on the edge of a cliff just to enjoy the view but there are always people trying to push me off.
