

常念念不忘 , 是因为自知这辈子再也没有拥有过 。
Often never forget because I know this life no longer have.
最起码 , 我们有壹个理由 , 没有像那些失恋的人那样忘记自己和时间 。
At least we have a reason not like those lovelorn people forget themselves and time.
我将不再禁不住面对你的一切 。
I will not be able to resist all of you.
明知道你给的只有伤痛 , 为什么我还是舍不得离开 。
Know you give only pain why I still reluctant to leave.
风沙落在忧伤的眼中 , 谁都知道我在想念你 。
Wind and sand fall in the eyes of sadness everyone knows I miss you.
曾有过 , 再也回不去的只是它 。
There was can't go back is just it.
我们是一个花园 , 走了谁都是残缺 。
We are a garden go who are incomplete.
然后再后来 , 再也不像当初那样 。
And then after that it was never the same.
我早就消灭了最真实的自我 。
I destroyed my true self long ago.
渐渐地知道 , 过分关心别人往往会伤害自己 。
Gradually I know that caring too much about others often hurts myself.
不要一想到他就醉 , 想到他就会落泪 。
Don't get drunk at the thought of him and weep at the thought of him.
旧时带着感情的话语 , 诉说你的记忆太伤人了 。
It hurts to talk about your memories with old feelings.
梦醒请你忘记我 , 来生不要把我错过 。
Wake up please forget me the next life don't miss me.
爱这个赌注 , 我早就累了 , 也许 , 是我输不起全部 。
Love this bet I am early
回忆是一面伤痕累累的墙 , 我们总想绕开 , 结果却迎面相遇 。
【追寻星座的世界|念念不忘的爱情文案,满是喜欢,满是憧憬】Memory is a scarred wall we always want to bypass but the results face on.
