
之一:能容下多少他人 , 就能拥有多少快乐
有时候 , 能容下多少他人 , 就能拥有多少快乐 。
换一个说法就是 , 你跟多少人作对 , 就是跟自己本该拥有的多少快乐作对 。
有的快乐是自生的 。 有的快乐 , 是与他人和谐相处中获得的 。
结怨 , 会疼;周旋 , 会累 。
有时候 , 退一步 , 妥协一点 , 甚至投降一次 , 都不算什么 , 但你会一下子找到轻松快乐的自己 。
生活没有那么复杂 。
你把自己搞复杂了 , 烂摊子 , 也只好自己去收拾 。
One: how many others can be tolerated, howmuch happiness can be had Sometimes, how many others can be tolerated, how muchhappiness can be had.To put it anotherway, how many people you're against is against how much happiness you shouldhave.Some happiness is self-made. Somehappiness is obtained in harmony with others. Complaining, it hurts; Around, will be tired.Sometimes it's nothing to take a step back,compromise a little, or even surrender once, but you'll find yourself happy andrelaxed all at once.Life is not socomplicated.You've complicatedyourself, messed up, and you've had to clean it up yourself.
从理论上讲 , 我们身边是60亿人 。 但 , 这一辈子 , 我们最多活在60个人中间 。 而让你至爱与至痛、至喜与至悲、至生与至死的 , 最多不过6个人 。
这6个人 , 才是你的世界 。
所以 , 更多的人 , 更多的事 , 你都不必去在意 。 在意得越多 , 就会沉陷得越深 , 就会纠缠得越久 , 就会被折磨得越苦 。
简单点 。 简单便是快活 。
Two: Simplicity is jovidity In theory, wehave 6 billion people around us. But, in this lifetime, we live among up to 60people. And let you love and pain, joy and sorrow, life and death, no more than6 people.These six people are yourworld.So, more people, more things, youdon't have to care. The more you care, the deeper you will sink, the longer youwill be entangled, and the more bitter you will be tortured.Keep it simple. Simplicity is pleasure.
更多的人 , 关注的是你有多少钱 , 有多少套房子 , 在哪里上班 , 有什么职位 , 有多深的社会背景 。 因为 , 从世俗的角度衡量 , 这才是有用的东西 。
同样是炫耀 , 你要是说这些东西 , 会赢得艳羡、仰慕甚至是尊重 。 但是 , 你若跟别人说 , 你每天看过多少次蚂蚁奔走 , 赏过多少次晚霞流逸 , 听过多少声鸟叫 , 闻过几次花香 , 你的内心有多安宁 , 你的灵魂有多快乐 , 大家认为 , 你不过是无聊罢了 。 因为 , 在他们看来 , 这些都是无用的东西 。
这个世界的价值体系已经乱了 , 但 , 你最好不要乱 。
学会放下一些东西吧 , 譬如那些不必要的面子 , 譬如那些无所谓的虚荣 。
我是说 , 这样做 , 你就是最好地疼惜了自己 。
Third: learn to put down something Morepeople, concerned about how much money you have, how many houses, where towork, what position, how deep the social background. Because, from a secularpoint of view, this is something useful. It's also ostentatious, and if you say these things, you'll winadmiration, admiration, and even respect. But if you tell others, how manytimes a day you see ants running, how many times to enjoy the sunset, how manysounds of birds heard, smelled a few flowers, how peaceful your heart is, howhappy your soul is, people think you are just boring. Because, in theiropinion, these are useless things.Theworld's value system is in disarray, but you'd better not mess it up.Learn to put something down, such asunnecessary faces, such as those that don't matter vanity.I mean, by doing this, you're the best atlamenting yourself.
