

1.我看你的眼神实在谈不上清白 , 内里藏的尽是占有与掠夺 。
I see your eyes really can't talk about innocence inside is full of possession and plunder.
2.凌晨四点四十九分 , 我看到海棠花未眠 , 总觉得这个时候你应该在我身边 。
At 4: 439 in the morning I saw the Begonia flower sleepless and always felt that you should be by my side at this time.
3.我曾听说住在罗生门的恶鬼 , 是因为害怕人性的残忍而逃走的 。
I had heard that the evil spirits who lived in Rashomon fled because they were afraid of the cruelty of human nature.
4.我是个吵吵闹闹 , 混在人群中痴痴笑笑 , 却闭口不提你一句的俗人 。
I am a noisy silly smile in the crowd but don't mention you a laity.
5.皈依佛门一般的沉沦于世间 , 爱这存在于烈日与暴雨下的众生万物 。
Conversion to Buddhism in general sink in the world love this exists in the hot sun and heavy rain of all living things.
6.我怪铁树不开花 , 我怪乌鸦不会说情话 , 我怪山风不亲吻海浪 , 怪来怪去 , 还是怪自己没用罢了 。
I blame the iron tree does not bloom I blame the crow will not say love words I blame the mountain wind does not kiss the waves blame to blame or blame themselves useless.
7.可一想到终将成为你的路人 , 便觉得 , 沦为整个世界的路人 , 风虽大 , 却都绕过我灵魂 。
Can think of will eventually become your passers-by they feel that as the whole world passers-by although the wind is big but all around my soul.
8.比起在不尽如意的病床上等病魔 , 不如将热烈滚烫的灵魂 , 洒满仍然向往的人间 。
Compared with the unsatisfactory bed and other diseases it is better to fill the warm and hot soul with the world that still yearns for.
