洛瑟玛·塞隆:我们的部队由暗影国度返回后 , 数年时间平静地过去了 。 不过看来宁静的生活到头了 , 我的爱人 。
Lor'themarTheron: Several years have passed quietly since our forces returnedfrom the Shadowlands. but it seems that quiet is now at an end, my love.
首席奥术师塔莉萨:可不是嘛 , 我们很幸运能在危险和灾祸之间拥有一段喘息的时间 。
First Arcanist Thalyssra: Indeed. We Were fortunate to have even a brief respite from the usual perils and tribulations.
首席奥术师塔莉萨:不然 , 你可能会想出借口拒绝我的求婚 。
First Arcanist Thalyssra: otherwise, you might have come up with an excuse to refuse my proposal.
洛瑟玛·塞隆:你的求婚?我很确定是我向你求了婚 , 塔莉萨 。
Lor'themar Theron: your proposal? I am quite certain it was I who begged for your hand in marriage, Thalyssra.
首席奥术师塔莉萨:洛瑟玛·塞隆!你这个人太有责任心了 , 你会为了银月城一副挂歪的画推迟我们的婚礼 。
FirstArcanist Thalyssra: Lor'themar Theron! You are such a creature of dutythat you would have delayed our wedding over a crooked painting inSilvermoon.
首席奥术师塔莉萨:幸好我们两个国家一起见证了我们互换誓言 , 不然你可能会想抵赖呢 。
FirstArcanist Thalyssra: How fortunate I am that both our kingdoms witnessedour vows. Else you might try to deny that we ever exchanged them.
洛瑟玛·塞隆:否认我生命中最幸福的时刻?决不 。
Lor'themar Theron: Deny the happiest moment of my life? Never.
洛瑟玛·塞隆:不论是在阳光下还是月光下 , 我爱你一生一世 , 塔莉萨 。
【洛瑟玛·塞隆|阿强的春天!洛瑟玛和塔莉萨在一起!】Lor'themar Theron: Whether under the light of the sun or the rays of the moon. I will love you for all my days, thalyssra
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