
“古人說 , ‘我勸天公重抖擻 , 不拘一格降人才’ 。 我想說的是 , 你就是自己的天公 , 可以設計自己的人生 。 ”

气质斩获一群小迷妹的赵聪博士 , 在专业领域上也是佼佼者 , 身为深圳大学物理与光电工程学院的副研究员 , 赵聪博士致力于光纤微结构生物传感项目 。
(1) 微流控生物芯片
(2) 光纤生物传感
(3) 面向生物医学领域的制冷技术
(1) 生物力学与微流体建模仿真(CFDRC & ANSYS)
(2) 微流控器件相关的微加工、封装与测试技术
(3) 细胞生物学 , 尤其是免疫组化染色及相关的数字图像处理
(4) 医学统计分析(SPSS)
1. Huahuang Luo, Cong Zhao, Kui Song, Dayu Liu, Wenjuan Ma, Xingsu Yu, Zhenfeng Zhang, Yitshak Zohar, Yi-Kuen Lee. "A Nonlinear Two-degree-of-freedom Mass–damper–spring Model to Predict the Isolation of Circulating Tumor Cells in Microfluidic-elasto-filtration Devices," Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, vol. 23, 2019, 72. (共同一作)
2. Huahuang Luo, Cong Zhao, Yuee Cai, Rongxin Zhang, Yuxiang Deng, Zhizhong Pan and Yi-Kuen Lee. “Plasma Engineered Hydrophobicity of SOI-Based Microfluidic-Elasto-Filtration Chips to Significantly Enhance the Cancer-Cell Capture Efficiency”, the 22nd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2018), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Nov 11-15, 2018, 1159-1162.
3. Cong Zhao, Wenjuan Ma, Xingsu Yu, Huifang Su, Zhenfeng Zhang, Yitshak Zohar and Yi-Kuen Lee. “TheCapillary Number Effect on Cell Viability in Microfluidic Elasto-filtration Devices for Viable Circulating Tumor Cell Isolation”, the 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystem (Transducers 2017), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jun 18-22, 2017,489-491.
4. Cong Zhao, Kui Song, Jeng-hun Lee, Shin Young Jeong, Lixie Hu, Xingsu Yu, Huifang Su, Zhenfeng Zhang, Yitshak Zohar and Yi-Kuen Lee. "Capillary Number Effect on the Depletion of Leucocytes of Blood in Microfiltration Chips for the Isolation of Circulating Tumor Cells", the 11th Annual International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS 2016), Matsushima Bay and Sendai MEMS City, Japan, April 17-20, 2016, 346-349.
5. Cong Zhao, Xu Rui, Song Kui, Liu Dayu, Ma Shuo, Tang Chen, Liang Chun, Y. Zohar and Lee Yi-Kuen. "The Capillary Number Effect on the Capture Efficiency of Cancer Cells on Composite Microfluidic Filtration Chips", the 28th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2015), Estoril, Portugal, Jan 18-22, 2015, 459-462.
6. Cong Zhao, Yi-Kuen Lee, Rui Xu, Chun Liang, Dayu Liu, Wei Ma, Wibool Piyawattanametha and Yitshak Zhohar. "Isolation of Circulating Tumor Cells under Hydrodynamic Loading Using Microfluidic Technology", Advances in Mechanics no. 44, 2014, 201412. (综述 , 入选“领跑者5000-中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文平台”)
2019-2020创客天下·2019 杭州市海外高层次人才创新创业大赛 , 三等奖 , 获 150 万政府资助
2015-2016香港力学学会第 20 届周年学术会议 , 最佳论文奖
1. Yi-Kuen Lee, Cong Zhao, Kashif Riaz. “Method and System of Personalized Microfiltration to Detect Cells from Blood”, PCT Patent No. WO2017186129A1, International Publication Date: 2017-11-02.
2. 王平, 赵聪, 王镝, 陈星, 王林, 邹莹畅, 张轩朗, 张希, 陈辰星, 安超. 一种人体呼吸气体现场采样装置, 发明专利号: CN102944448A, 公开日期: 2013-06-19.

