|人生十字路口,这几首诗文让你不再彷徨( 二 )

People are starting every road,
On top of each head has one sky,
Each party to the sky have unpredictable cloud,
Every cloud in respect of fate.
The choice of direction of silent, a star or a pair of eyes,
People how to choose the world,
The world is how to choose the person.
Silently to choose the starting point,
Proud to choose return journey,
The night dawn people choose,
Dawn he was chosen as the wind of freedom.
The choice of a bird or a leaf,
The selection of rock or a dust.
Who have no choice in the selection,
He is the chosen one.
Everyone has a ring of the heart,
Every heart is a lonely time,
Who choose lonely world,
The world chose his song.
In the selection the sinking meteor,
The sun rising in the selection.
每一条道路上都有出发的人 ,
每个人头顶上都有一方天空 ,
每一方天空上都有莫测的云 ,
每一朵云都兆示着命运 。
无声的选择方向 , 一颗星辰或者一双眼睛 ,
人怎样选择世界 ,
世界就怎样地选择人 。
默默地选择起点 ,
骄傲地选择归程 ,
夜间选择黎明的人 ,
黎明选择他为自由的风 。
选择飞鸟或者一片落叶 ,
选择岩石或者一阵灰尘 。
谁在无可选择中选择 ,
他就是被选择的人 。
每个人都有一颗无名的心 ,
每颗心都有寂寞的时辰 ,
谁选择寂寞的世界 ,
世界选择他的歌声 。
流星在选择中下沉 ,
太阳在选择中上升 。
生活不易 , 人生难免彷徨 , 选择适合自己的路 , 选择正确的路 , 做到无悔于心 。
