柯南|看完一千集柯南,我精通了几百种杀人手法。丨KY趣味心理速递Vol. 112( 二 )

“我们这些经历过暴力的人,在真实犯罪题材中找到避难所,并不是在寻求一场落幕,而是在寻求共情,寻求理解,寻求一个承认日常暴力存在这一事实的世界,这个世界并不怪诞,而是平凡的……经过充分研究、公正和富于共情的电影、书籍和播客是我们这些已了解暴力、正在寻找息之地的人最需要的,应该有故事来揭示我们所知道的关于人性的真相 。”
高级编辑、家暴受害者Jes Skolnik如是说 。
真实犯罪题材里,饱含的是故事、苦痛和人性 。
无论是为了寻求刺激还是安全感,又或是找到渠道自我疗愈,我们都应对这类题材保持敬畏和审慎,然后从伤痕里感悟真实的力量 。
柯南|看完一千集柯南,我精通了几百种杀人手法。丨KY趣味心理速递Vol. 112
Barth D.F. (2021, June 5). Why do we love true crime — and is it healthy for us? NBC News.
Boling, K. S.(2020). Fundamentally Different Stories That Matter: True Crime Podcasts and the Domestic Violence Survivors in Their Audiences [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of South Carolina.
James B., McCarthy R. (2017). The Man from the Train: The Solving of a Century-Old Serial Killer Mystery. Simon & Schuster Audio.
Mirrlees-Black C., Mayhew P., Percy A. (1996). British Crime Survey 1996, England and Wales. Home Office Statistical Bulletin.
Skolnik, J. (2017, July 19). I Survived Domestic Violence. Now I'm Drawn to True Crime Podcasts. The New York Times.
Vicary, A & Fraley, R. (2010). Captured by True Crime: Why Are Women Drawn to Tales of Rape, Murder, and Serial Killers? Social Psychological and Personality Science 1(1):81-86. https://doi.org/10.1177/1948550609355486.
【柯南|看完一千集柯南,我精通了几百种杀人手法。丨KY趣味心理速递Vol. 112】
