哈喽 , 我是你们的老朋友小美向你说 , 感谢各位百忙之中抽出时间阅读小编的文章《爱情不是等你有空才来珍惜的》
你忙 , 忘了我需要人陪 。 你忙 , 忘了我会寂寞 。 你忙 , 忘了我在等你电话 。 你忙 , 忘了你对我的承诺 。 想告诉你“爱情”不是等你有空才来珍惜的 。
You are busy and forget that I need someone to accompany me. You are busy and forget that I will be lonely. You are busy and forget that I am waiting for your call. You are busy and forget your promise to me. I want to tell you that "love" is not cherished when you are free.
一个人的时候 , 总是会感慨很多:爱情 , 会让人迷醉 , 会让人感到温暖 , 也会让人心痛 , 让人流泪 。 想要紧紧握住的爱情 , 却会在某一刻因为一些因素而悄悄溜走 。
When I'm alone, I always feel a lot: love can make people intoxicated, warm, heartache and tears. The love that you want to hold tightly will slip away at a certain moment because of some factors.
爱情 , 不为昨天哭泣 , 要笑对明天;所有感情只有开始 , 没有归途;须知秋风要扫落叶 , 春风才能又萌新枝 。
Love, don't cry for yesterday, smile for tomorrow; All feelings have only the beginning, no return; It should be noted that the autumn wind must sweep away the fallen leaves before the spring wind can sprout new branches.
爱情迟早会到来 。 它有时候缓缓来 , 有时候突然来 。 也许来得不那么合时宜 , 来得不那么被看好 , 来得不那么理智 , 来得不那么浪漫 。 但在你的余生里 , 它一定会来 。
Love will come sooner or later. Sometimes it comes slowly, sometimes suddenly. Perhaps it is not so opportune, not so optimistic, not so rational, not so romantic. But in the rest of your life, it will come.
我做过最勇敢的事 , 不是义无反顾的爱你 , 而是装作云淡风轻的 , 听你说和她的爱情 。
The bravest thing I have ever done is not to love you without hesitation, but to pretend to be calm and gentle and listen to your love with her.
好的爱情 , 是允许对方继续做自己 , 而自己却渴望成为更好的人;好的爱情 , 是势均力敌 , 是你吃我这套 , 我也吃你那套 。
Good love is to allow the other party to continue to be himself, but he is eager to become a better person; Good love is equal in strength. If you eat my suit, I will eat yours.
友谊的小船说翻就翻 , 爱情的巨轮说沉就沉 , 亲情的火苗说灭就灭 , 只有单身狗的独木舟屹立不倒!
The small boat of friendship turns over and over, the giant ship of love sinks and sinks, and the flame of family love extinguishes. Only the canoe of a single dog stands still!
感谢阅读 , 码字不易 , 喜欢的可以点波关注~十分感谢!
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- 本文转自:襄阳广播电视台在谷城县城关镇老君山村 十一年照顾瘫痪妻子 抒写身边最美爱情
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