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Advances in the Treatment of Hyperuricemia with Traditional Chinese Medicine
Zhang Jingwen ,Liu Jiping(Department of Pharmacology,Shaanxi University of traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanxi Xianyang,712046)
[Abstract] Hyperuricemia is associated with hypertension,diabetes,coronary heart disease and many other refractory diseases.The main cause of hyperuricemia is the imbalance of uric acid production or excretion due to the disorder of purine metabolism.The treatment of hyperuricemia can inhibit uric acid production by inhibiting the activity of xanthine oxidase from different pathways,or by downregulating the expression of uric acid transporter renal urine protein transporter-1,glucose transporter-9,which is responsible for uric acid reabsorption,or by upregulating the expression of transporters that promote uric acid excretion such as OAT1,OAT3,ABCG2 to increase uric acid excretion.This paper reviews the experimental methods and research status of Chinese medicine monomer and compound in treating hyperuricemia by consulting literature.
[Key words] hyperuricemia,Traditional Chinese Medicine,Xanthine oxidase,
