情感语聊 无论你站得多高多么奢侈,若没有那个她,一切终将是缺憾( 二 )

It doesn't mean distance doesn't mean separation; it doesn't mean no contact or forgetting; no phone doesn't mean cold; no meeting doesn't mean I don't care about you; in the cool season I'm worried about you! Hug wine cup invitation wine intoxicates you hug romance guides you love fascinates you hug happiness makes time deeply hug you dear Valentine's day makes you happy.
如果在人群中寻找你 , 就像在海边打捞一切沙粒 , 匆匆发现你的踪迹一样 。如果不离开愿望 , 希望还有来世 。
If you look for you in the crowd it's like fishing for all the sand on the beach and finding your trace in a hurry. If you don't leave your wish hope and the afterlife.
我曾想拥有你和我们的浪漫时光 。我永远爱你 , 但你不明白我有多爱你 。永远不知道!
I wanted to have a romantic time with you and us. I love you forever but you don't understand how much I love you. Never know!
脉搏之情如一溪春水 , 难以用快刀斩断 , 无论我如何努力 , 也没能将嘴角挂着笑容的倩影从我心中赶走 。
The pulse is like a stream of spring water which is difficult to cut off with a sharp knife. No matter how hard I try I can't drive the beautiful shadow with a smile from my heart.
如果我们相识的结果是注定要流泪的话 , 我希望一个人享受这残酷的美 , 不后悔和你在一起的日子 , 只想你永远健康 。
If the result of our acquaintance is doomed to tears I hope one can enjoy the cruel beauty don't regret the days with you just want you to be healthy forever.
我知道! 但是 , 我也没办法啊 。这场婚姻是上天安排的最大的啊 。嘿 , 你现在只能甩掉你丈夫 , 和我一起去 。
I Know! But I can't help it. This marriage is the biggest arranged by God. Hey you can only get rid of your husband and go with me now.
要知道 , 这个世界上有永远等着你的人 。无论何时何地 , 都有这样的人 。
You know there are people in the world waiting for you forever. There are such people everywhere.
如果上天答应了我三个愿望 , 第一个就是今生今世和你在一起 , 第二个就是来世和你在一起 , 第三个就是永远和你不分开 。
If God has promised me three wishes the first is to be with you in this life the second is to be with you in the afterlife and the third is never to be separated from you.
我和你之间 , 用爱相连 , 甜蜜 , 幸福无限 , 你我的心 , 真诚相连 , 彼此温暖 , 幸福无限 , 宝贝我爱你 , 愿上帝牵着你的手过地!
You and I are connected by love sweet and infinite happiness. You and my heart are sincerely connected warm and infinite happiness. Baby I love you. May God lead your hand to the ground!
我们知道没有结果 。我想在最美的时候和你在一起 , 然后作为告别世界前的美好回忆去怀念 。
We know there is no result. I want to be with you at the most beautiful time and then miss it as a good memory before saying goodbye to the world.
爱是脑力劳动 , 结婚是体力劳动 。爱情就像打桥牌一样 , 全靠计算; 结婚就像麻将一样 , 取决于运气 。
Love is mental work marriage is physical work. Love is like playing bridge all by calculation; Marriage is like mahjong. It depends on luck.
寒冷的夜晚 , 寒冷的手 , 举起来 , 松一口气 , 我想起了你的手 , 我想告诉你它只需要我温暖的手 , 你已经是我的一部分 。
Cold night cold hand put it up and breathe a sigh of relief. I think of your hand. I want to tell you that it only needs my warm hand. You are already a part of me.
