折痕处理最好的折叠屏手机 raysource手机版怎么下载

2019年是折叠屏手机大爆发的一年,包括三星、摩托罗拉、华为在内的多个品牌都推出了各自的折叠屏手机 。可折叠屏幕真的像宣传的那样好用吗?从消费者的使用报告看来 , 也许比你想象的要更糟 。
【折痕处理最好的折叠屏手机 raysource手机版怎么下载】
折痕处理最好的折叠屏手机 raysource手机版怎么下载

A Samsung Galaxy Z Flip foldable smartphone is seen during Samsung Galaxy Unpacked 2020 in San Francisco, California, US February 11, 2020. REUTERS/Stephen Lam
Foldable phones are once again facing questions about their durability.
可折叠屏手机又一次在耐用性方面遭到了质疑 。
The Galaxy Z Flip and the Motorola Razr are now both available to buy in the US - but early reports suggest the screens are easily damaged.
三星Galaxy Z Flip手机和摩托罗拉Razr手机目前在美国均有售 , 但是早期报告指出,这两款手机的屏幕都很容易损坏 。
One outlet published photos of two layers of the Razr's display separating, affecting the touch screen.
一家媒体发布了摩托罗拉Razr手机屏幕分离成两层的照片,这种分层影响了触摸屏的功能 。
The Galaxy Z flip, meanwhile, boasts a "flexible glass" display - but tests appear to show it scratching as easily as plastic.
与此同时,三星Galaxy Z Flip手机据称拥有“柔性玻璃”显示屏,但是测试显示,这种“玻璃”和塑料一样容易留下刮痕 。
It's not yet clear how widespread the issues might be.
目前尚不清楚这种问题有多普遍 。
In a statement, Samsung said the display had a protective layer, and had undergone extensive testing.
三星公司在一份声明中说 , 这款手机的显示屏有一层保护膜 , 并已经过广泛的测试 。
"While the display does bend, it should be handled with care," it said.
三星表示:“尽管显示屏能够弯曲 , 但还是应该小心使用 。”
The Z Flip's "ultra thin glass" is one of Samsung's primary marketing messages for the new phone.
Z Flip手机的“超薄玻璃”是这款三星手机的主打营销信息之一 。
But a durability test conducted by popular YouTuber Zack Nelson suggested it was no more durable than a soft plastic screen - and could even be dented by a fingernail.
但是油管网红扎克·奈尔森开展的一项耐用性测试显示,这种“超薄玻璃”并不比塑料软屏更耐用,甚至指甲一碰就会留下刮痕 。
Nelson, who has more than 5m subscribers to his YouTube channel, where he regularly tests new tech, said Samsung's screen scratched "exactly how a plastic screen would react".
在油管频道有500万订阅用户的奈尔森说,三星的屏幕容易被刮花 , “就像塑料屏幕一样” 。奈尔森经常会对新科技产品进行测试 。
"I don't know what material this is, but Samsung definitely shouldn't be calling it glass," he said.
他说:“我不知道这是什么材料 , 但三星绝对不应该把它叫作玻璃 。”
He found that the screen of the Motorola Razr scratched as easily but it is not marketed as "glass".
他发现,摩托罗拉Razr手机的屏幕也很容易被刮花,但Razr手机并没有用“玻璃”屏幕作为营销亮点 。
The Motorola Razr was released 13 days ago in the US, but a technology journalist for Input Mag says the flexible screen on his handset has already broken.
摩托罗拉Razr手机13天前才刚在美国上市,但是在线媒体Input Mag网站的一名科技采访人员称,他的Razr手机的柔性屏幕已经断裂 。
In a video released by the firm ahead of its launch, Motorola warned about screen "lumps and bumps", but said they were normal.
在推出这款手机前夕,摩托罗拉在一个视频中警告说,这款手机的屏幕可能会出现“突起和不平”,但表示这些情况都是正常的 。
lump[l?mp]: n. 块 , 块状;肿块
bump[b?mp]: n. 肿块 , 隆起物
Raymond Wong, Input's reviews editor, said the upper layer of the Razr's screen separated from the bottom, creating "a giant horizontal air bubble" for no apparent reason.
Input网站的测评编辑雷蒙德·王说,Razr手机屏幕的上层和底部分离了,不知何故产生了“一个巨大的水平面气泡” 。

折痕处理最好的折叠屏手机 raysource手机版怎么下载

Source: Input
He wrote that the fault appeared after a 45-minute train ride during which the phone was in his pocket.
他写道,他把手机放到口袋里乘坐了45分钟的火车,然后屏幕就出现了断层 。
screenshot from BBC
我甚至都没有穿紧身裤——雷·王(@raywongy) , 2020年2月17日
When he took it out, "the screen was completely warped from hinge-to-hinge with the top layer raised like a poorly applied screen protector," he wrote.
他写道,当他把手机掏出来时 , “屏幕完全从折叠铰链处脱落,屏幕顶层突起,就像是没贴好的手机保护膜 。”

折痕处理最好的折叠屏手机 raysource手机版怎么下载

Source: Input
But Mr Wong said that apart from the visual problem, the damage has affected the responsiveness of the touchscreen.
王先生说,除了外观问题,这一损坏还影响到了触摸屏的灵敏度 。
Motorola's parent company, Lenovo, said it was investigating.
摩托罗拉的母公司联想公司表示,正在对这一问题进行调查 。
