谷雨英文介绍 谷雨英文介绍,带中文

谷雨英文介绍 谷雨英文介绍,带中文

1、Grain Rain was originated from the ancient versionraingerminate all grains, every April 19th to 21st,the sunreaches 30degrees in longitude is Grain Rain, it is the so-called Qingming off the snow,Grain Rain off the frost. Whenthe Grain Rain is coming,it means that the coldweather hasbasically ended,the temperature rises faster,which isbenefit forthe growth of cereal crops.

【谷雨英文介绍 谷雨英文介绍,带中文】2、谷雨源自古人“雨生百谷”之说,每年4月19日~21日,太阳到达黄经30°时即为“谷雨”,正所谓“清明断雪 , 谷雨断霜” 。谷雨节气的到来 , 意味着寒潮天气基本结束 , 气温回升加快,有利于谷类农作物的生长 。
