

  • The mud loach typically emerges from its burrows in the months of April and May.
  • During this time, the water temperature and conditions are most suitable for their activity.
  • As the weather warms up, the mud loach ventures out from their underground shelters and begins searching for food.
  • These industrious creatures are known for their ability to navigate through muddy habitats.
  • Mud loaches engage in vigorous feeding, primarily on small aquatic insects and worms.
  • After satisfying their hunger, they engage in reproductive activities.
  • From June to August, mud loaches lay their eggs in submerged vegetation or crevices in riverbanks.
  • Once the fertilized eggs hatch, the tiny mud loach fry begin their journey of growth and survival.
  • During the colder months, typically from November to February, the mud loach retreats back into their burrows and enters a state of semi-hibernation.
