|如今,说自己不在乎肤色也是种族主义( 二 )

Colorblind means one does not believe a person’s color is in any way significant.
色盲意味着一个人不相信一个人的肤色有任何重要之处 。
Isn’t that the ideal? Shouldn’t we define a person by their heart, mind, personality, and, as Martin Luther King said, above all, character?
这不正是理想吗?我们评判一个人不应该凭心肠、思想、个性 , 尤其还有如马丁·路德·金所说的 , 品格吗?
Does anyone look into a mirror and see color? No, they don’t. They see a human being. When a white person looks into a mirror does he or she think, “Look, a white person!” When a black person looks into a mirror, does he or she think, “Look, a black person!”
有谁看向镜子看到的是肤色吗?不 , 他们不会 。 他们看到的是一个人类 。 当一个白人看向镜子 , 他或她想的是「看 , 一个白人!」吗?当一个黑人看向镜子 , 他或她想的是「看 , 一个黑人!」吗?
Of course not. When we look at ourselves, we see John, or Jessica, or Tameka, or Jose. We see ourselves—not color. Why isn’t that how we would want everyone to see us?
当然不是 。 当我们看着自己 , 我们看到的是约翰、杰西卡、塔米卡、荷西 。 我们看到的是自己——不是肤色 。 我们不也希望别人这样看我们吗?
The left’s insistence that color is important is one of the most racist and anti-human doctrines of our time. It was precisely when America was most racist that people’s color was deemed most important. Why would we want to return to that time?
左派对肤色重要性的执着是我们这个时代最种族主义最反人类的教条 。 恰恰在美国种族主义最严重的时候 , 人们的肤色才被认为最重要 。 为什么我们想回到那个时候?
Why is your skin color any more important than your hair color or, for that matter, the color of your shoes?
Name one important thing your color tells others about you. You can’t.
说说你的肤色能告诉别人什么你的重要之处 。 你说不出 。
Does your color tell us if you’re kind, or smart, or what foods or music you like, or what you do for a living? Does it tell us anything about the most important thing about you—your values?
你的肤色能告诉我们你是否善良 , 是否聪明 , 你喜欢什么食物或音乐 , 你以什么谋生吗?它能告诉我们你最重要的一点——你的价值观吗?
No. Your color tells us nothing about you.
不能 。 你的肤色什么都没告诉我们 。
So, why should anyone not be colorblind? To be colorblind means one ignores the least important thing about you. Isn’t that a good thing? And isn’t the opposite position—that your race is important—racist?
所以 , 为什么大家不色盲?色盲意味着无视你身上最不重要的东西 。 这不是件好事吗?难道相反看法——你的种族重要——不才是种族主义吗?
Those who revere the Bible must be colorblind. The only thing the Bible tells us about Adam is that he was created in God’s image. If the Bible placed any significance on race, wouldn't it have told us Adam’s color? And does God have a color?
那些尊重圣经的人一定是色盲的 。 圣经告诉我们唯一有关亚当的事就是他以上帝的形象打造 。 如果种族在圣经中有任何重要 , 它不应该告诉我们亚当的肤色吗?上帝有肤色吗?
That there were Christians who defended slavery on racial grounds only proves that there were Christians who distorted the biblical view on race. At the same time, it was Bible-believing Christians who organized the first large-scale effort in world history to abolish slavery.
那些以种族为由捍卫奴隶制的基督徒只证明了有些基督徒曲解了圣经对种族的看法 。 与此同时 , 也是信仰圣经的基督徒组织起世界上第一次大规模废奴运动 。
