
_原题为:Should We Be Colorblind?
首刊日期:2021 年 11 月 1 日
There is little that reveals the moral confusion of the left as much as its labelling the term “colorblind” racist.
没有什么比以下行为更能揭示左派的道德混乱了:他们将「色盲」归为种族主义 。
Here are just a few examples:
【|如今,说自己不在乎肤色也是种族主义】The University of California publishes a list of terms and ideas it considers racist. The list includes the term “colorblindness.”
加州大学发布了一份认为是种族主义的词语和观点清单 , 该清单中包含了「色盲」一词 。
Psychology Today published an article by a psychology professor titled, “Colorblind Ideology Is a Form of Racism.”
一名心理学教授在《今日心理学》上发表了一篇文章 , 标题为《色盲意识形态是种族主义的一种》 。
HuffPost published a piece titled, “How Colorblindness Is Actually Racist,” in which the author gives three examples of statements whites make that are allegedly racist:
《赫芬顿邮报》刊登了一篇名为《为什么色盲其实是种族主义》的文章 , 其中作家给出三个涉嫌种族主义的白人话术:
"I am colorblind.”
「我色盲 。 」
“I see people, not color.”
「我看人 , 不看肤色 。 」
“We are all the same.”
「我们都是一样的 。 」
The Disney Company recommends that its white employees atone for their racism by “challeng[ing] colorblind ideologies and rhetoric” such as . . . “I don’t see color.”
迪士尼公司建议其白人员工弥补他们的种族主义 , 「挑战色盲意识形态和修辞」如......「我不看肤色 。 」
Even the U.S. Army has gotten into the act. It sent an email to personnel saying that the word colorblind is evidence of white supremacy.
甚至美国军队都来凑热闹 , 给全体人员发邮件称色盲一词是白人至上主义的证据 。
I could give dozens of examples of the left’s Orwellian definition of “colorblind” as “racist.”
我可以给出上十个左派奥威尔式地将「色盲」当作「种族主义」的例子 。
Why Orwellian?
Because becoming colorblind is precisely what people opposed to racism should aspire to.
因此变得色盲正是反对种族主义的人应该追求的 。
That is why Martin Luther King’s most famous quote, from his most famous speech, is “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
这也是为什么马丁·路德·金其最著名的演讲中最著名的一句话是「我有一个梦想 , 有一天我的四个小孩将生活在一个不以他们皮肤的颜色而是以他们的品格优劣评判的国家 。 」
The left’s position is that Martin Luther King was wrong.
左派的看法是 , 马丁·路德·金错了 。
But it’s the left that’s wrong. The colorblind person is the very definition of a non-racist person.
但错的是左派 。 色盲的人才是真正不种族主义的人 。
Here’s one obvious proof: The worst racists—defenders of slavery, supporters of Jim Crow laws, the Ku Klux Klan, just to cite American examples—were the least colorblind people. Color is the one thing they and all racists see. Precisely because they defined people by their color, they justified subjugation of blacks.
明显的证据是:最恶劣的种族主义者——奴隶制的捍卫者、吉米·克劳法的支持者、三K党 , 这里只举美国的例子——是最看肤色的人 。 肤色是他们和所有种族主义者只看到的 。 恰是因为他们以肤色定义人 , 他们才合理化对黑人的压迫 。
