

不要说我特别 , 因为你从来不属于我 。
Don't say I'm not special because you never belong to me.
其实我想抛弃这个荒谬的想法 , 但我不想成为一个没有希望的傀儡 。
In fact I want to abandon this ridiculous idea but I don't want to become a hopeless thing.
忍耐一定是有限度的 , 也会是一种成长 。
There must be a limit to patience; Strong sometimes weak; Cry also should have a kind of growth.
爱情不需要理由 , 但生活需要理由 。 生活让我离开你 , 爱情让它深埋在我心里!
Love doesn't need a reason but life needs a reason. Life let me leave you love let it deep in my heart!
为什么要坚持那些需要放下的东西 。
Why stick to things you can let go.
我流下的每一滴眼泪都最终留到我的心里 。
Every tear you shed drowns my eyes.
爱情已经过了甜蜜期 , 剩下的只有无尽的孤独 。
Love has passed the sweet period only the endless loneliness.
如果你还对她有感觉 , 我会选择帮助你们在一起 。
If you still have feelings for her I'll help you both.
我就是一个木偶 , 但是提线木偶的主人在哪里?
I am a muppet but where is the owner of the muppet?
别傻了 , 你爱的人不爱你 , 最后也不会在一起 。
Don't be silly you love the people don't love you the last will not be together.
把梦想留给黑夜 , 把眼泪留给大海 , 把希望留给未来 。
The dream to the night the tears to the sea the hope to the future.
