

【魏凝娥星座|怀念青春的爱情句子,感人至深,值得分享】悲伤的河流在黑暗中缓缓地流过 。
The river of sorrow flows slowly through the darkness.
沉没于时光中的青春与时光淹没 。
Sunken in the time of youth and time submerged.
想你时会笑 , 心却是血 。
When I think of you I will laugh but my heart is blood.
我们之间的不同在于:你是我的唯一 。
The difference between us is that you are the only one.
你们把我当作他们的一员 。
You treated me like I was one of them.
拐角处有个小丑总是盯着你的一言一行 。
There's a clown around the corner watching everything you do.
Is that so?
您不知道 , 我的心情一直在您的左右 。
You don't know my heart is always around you.
我会孤单一身 , 渡不过这枕黄梁梦中的一场 , 凉到心房 。
I will be lonely but cross this pillow in a dream cool to the heart.
责备我不重要才会被你拼命甩掉 。
Telling me I don't matter is the only way you're gonna dump me.
爱就像握在手中的沙 , 越刻意地握紧 , 失去的就越快 。
Love is like sand in your hand. The more you hold it the faster you lose it.
当你说话的声调稍重我就感觉到你在吼我 , 我就委屈我 。
When you speak a little louder I can feel you yelling at me and I am wronged.
当你谈得太多时 , 你怎么会在乎我 。
How can you care about me when you talk too much.
