

你在和她吵架 。 你说这是一种偶然的行为 。 你在和我一起练习表演吗?
You're fighting with her. You said it was an accidental act. Are you practicing acting with me?
有时候你觉得天要塌了 , 但你站在自己这边 。
Sometimes you think the sky is falling but you're on your side.
一个人最大的困难是认识自己 , 最容易的是认识自己 。
A person's greatest difficulty is to know themselves the easiest is to know themselves.
【小米星座馆|心情不好时发的句子,暖心治愈,越看越喜欢】不喜欢主动是怕它变成自爱 。
Don't like the initiative is afraid of it into self-love.
偷偷看你 , 偷偷想你 , 偷偷爱你——最后 , 偷偷哭 。
Secretly see you secretly miss you secretly love you -- finally secretly cry.
等待可能不容易;伤害 , 但很容易 。
Waiting may not be easy; Hurt but easy.
你的名字一开始脱口而出 , 变得很难说出 。
Your name starts to blurt out and it becomes hard to say.
心中没有仇恨的人总是过得更好 。
People who have no hate in their hearts are always better off.
千万不要在别人心目中自视甚高 , 否则会摔得很惨 。
Never think too highly of yourself in the eyes of others or you will fall badly.
当你孤独的时候 , 我会和你在一起 , 当你得到幸福的时候 , 我会转身离开 。
When you are lonely I will be with you when you get happiness I will turn around and leave.
我像疯子一样喜欢你 , 但你不能像瞎子一样看 。
I like you like a madman but you can't see like a blind man.
我见过太多挫折 , 我自己都哭不出来 。 其实所谓的不喜欢的人 , 都是因为心里有一个人是不能被遗忘的 。
I've seen so many setbacks I can't even cry. In fact the so-called dislike of people because there is a person in the heart is not forgotten.
