江江说星座 超暖心的治愈系文案,懂你心意,抚慰心灵!

江江说星座 超暖心的治愈系文案,懂你心意,抚慰心灵!
江江说星座 超暖心的治愈系文案,懂你心意,抚慰心灵!

你猜我喜欢什么制服 , 被你制服 。
Guess what kind of uniform I like being in your uniform.
【江江说星座 超暖心的治愈系文案,懂你心意,抚慰心灵!】五十九那些所改变不了的事情 , 就是所谓的命 。
Those things that cannot be changed are called life.
You deserve it fool.
这一生 , 总有一个人 , 老是跟你过不去 , 你却很想跟他过下去 。。
In this life there is always a person always with you but you really want to live with him.
如果能够选择的话 , 不要用恨来结束一段爱 。
If you have a choice don't end a love with hate.
世上无难事 , 只要肯放弃 。
Nothing is difficult to the man who will give up.
“同学 , 我可以认识你吗?”“为什么?”“我想 , 你的未来和我有关 。 ”
\"Classmate may I know you?\"\"Why?\"\"I think your future depends on me.\"
有时候我会觉得一个人真的很好 , 没人跟我吵没人跟我闹 , 我一个人可以很安静 。
Sometimes I feel it is really good to be alone no one quarrel with me no one make trouble with me I can be quiet alone.
我不知道遇见你是对是错 , 但我知道 , 遇见你 , 我开心过 。
I don't know whether meeting you is right or wrong but I know meeting you I have been happy.
而死亡不管来的多早来的多迟你总会接受 。
And death no matter how early or late it comes you always accept it.
累 , 就是常常徘徊在坚持和放弃之间 , 举棋不定 。 累了 , 就休息一下;烦了 , 就放松一下 。
Tired is always hovering between adhering to and giving up indecisive.When tired have a rest;Bored just relax.
人与人的关系很奇妙 , 可能上一秒还在紧紧拥抱 , 下一秒已经再见如陌生人 。
The relationship between people is wonderful one second may still hug tightly the next second has seen as strangers.
