化妆品测试- Cosmetic Test
化妆品的安全问题一直都备受世界各国政府的关注 , 中国的各个销售平台也越来越重视化妆品的质量安全问题 , 就化妆品安全性方面各国建立了严格的法规、指令 。 特邦针对化妆品可以提供如中国、欧盟、美国、澳大利亚、加拿大等各国标准的如下测试项目:
The safety problem of cosmetics is concerned by all the governments in the world. China's various sales platform, including the stores under-line and on-line is more and more attention to the problem of the quality and safety of cosmetics. Strict regulations and directives on the safety of cosmetics were created by most countries. SQT shall provide the cosmetic test items as below according to the standard of China, EU, USA, Australia, Canada.
? 微生物污染测试
Microbial contamination test
【The化妆品测试- Cosmetic Test检测】? 防腐剂的有效性测试
Antiseptic efficiency test
? 标签检查
Label checking
? 重金属含量测试
Heavy metal content test
- 铅 lead
- 砷 arsenic
- 汞 mercury
? 产品包装信息评估
Assessment for the information on package
? 总铅含量测试
Total lead content test
? 皮肤刺激性实验
Skin irritation test
? 眼刺激性实验
Eyes irritation test
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