

穿越山丘 , 才发现没有人在等待 , 而离开的人都已成为风景 。
Through the hills only to find that no one is waiting and leave the people have become scenery.
我在无数个梦里拥抱你 , 却在现实中找不到你的影子 。
I hug you in countless dreams but I can't find your shadow in reality.
我能拥有的只有我自己和我的影子 。
All I have is me and my shadow.
我真正想要的不是背叛 , 我为什么不能留下来?
What I really want is not betrayal. Why can't I stay?
我曾经告诉你 , 无论发生什么 , 我都会陪着你 , 而你却做出让我伤心的决定 , 为什么?
I told you I would be there for you no matter what and you made a decision that hurt me. Why?
旧社会悲伤的残影定格成人生最美的画面 。
The sad remnants of the old society become the most beautiful picture of life.
我不喜欢回忆往事 , 但却偶尔会想起他 。
I don't like reminiscing but I do think of him occasionally.
你在对我吼叫的时候 , 有没有照顾过我的情绪?
When you were yelling at me did you take care of my emotions?
你发现了么?仇恨的力量有时会高于爱的力量 。
Have you noticed? Hatred is sometimes stronger than love.
也许 , 没有结局的结局才是最好的结局 。 虽然我吃过苦 , 但我也快乐过 。
Maybe an ending without an ending is the best ending. Although I have suffered I have also been happy.
赤脚用小石头踩在沙子上 , 享受着比心疼更痛苦的痛苦 , 从而忘记了心中的痛苦 。
Stepping on the sand with small stones in bare feet and enjoying the pain that is more painful than heartache I forget the pain in my heart.
