

缺少的是最有感情回味的结局 。
What is missing is the most emotional aftertaste ending.
懵懂的年纪付出了真心却还是看不到结局 。
Ignorant age to pay the true but still can not see the end.
【焕焕星座|触人心灵的暖心句子,干净走心,值得读读】我推开了那么多人 , 却还是等不到你 。
I pushed so many people away but I still can't wait for you.
不要继续任何让我不开心的关系 。
Don't continue any relationship that doesn't make me happy.
我们都在路上 , 忘记了出路 , 在失望中追求偶尔的满足 。
We are all on the road forget the way out in the disappointment of the pursuit of occasional satisfaction.
爱那个满腹心事却无人诉说的人 , 晚上只能枕着掺着自己眼泪的枕头睡觉 。
Encounter feelings you are more poor than anyone.
你甚至不能大声哭 , 遇到感情你比谁都可怜 。
Love the person who is full of worries but no one to tell can only sleep with his tears pillow at night. You can't even cry out loud.
What's the use of trying and not being moved?
从见面到离开 , 我欠自己很多 , 没有欠你一分钱 。
From meeting to leaving I owe myself a lot not a cent to you.
尝遍了你 , 刷了三次牙 , 哭了三十九次 , 睡了一月到太阳归来 , 又拥有了九个恋人 , 吃光了他们所有的糖果 , 但你的苦还在我心里徘徊 。
I tasted you brushed my teeth three times cried thirty-nine times slept for a month till the sun came back had nine more lovers ate up all their candy but your bitterness still lingers in my heart.
也许有一天我熬不住了 , 我也会得到这辈子最讨厌的烟 , 我会破了案 , 熬通宵 , 然后喝醉 。
Maybe one day I can't stand it and I'll get the most annoying cigarette of my life and I'll solve the case stay up all night and get drunk.
我也会玩弄自己的感情而不认真对待 , 不在乎别人的感受 , 不要问我为什么会变成这样 。
I also play with my feelings and don't take them seriously.
我不知道 , 我只知道他在的时候我很好 。
I don't care about other people's feelings. Don't ask me why. I don't know. I just know I'm fine when he's around.
