双腿交叉通常意味着抵触或不太认同 , 这在谈判中不是一个好征兆
Out of 2,000 negotiations videotaped by Gerard I. Nierenberg and Henry H. Calero, the authors of "How to Read a Person Like a Book," there wasn't a single settlement when one of the negotiators had their legs crossed.
《如何像读书一样读人》的作者杰勒德·尼伦伯格和亨利·H·卡莱罗录制了2000场谈判 , 其中“只要有谈判者双腿交叉时 , 就无法达成协议 。 ”
Psychologically, crossed legs signal that a person is mentally, emotionally, and physically closed off, which may mean they're less likely to budge in a negotiation.
从心理学上看 , 双腿交叉意味着一个人在精神、情感和身体上自我封闭 , 这意味着他们可能不愿在谈判中让步 。
When someone swears to tell the truth in a court of law, they put one hand on a religious text and raise their other hand into the air, palm facing whoever they're speaking to.
人们在法庭上发誓讲真话时 , 会把一只手放在宗教经文上 , 另一只手举在空中 , 手掌面对说话对象 。
That's because an open palm has been associated with "truth, honesty, allegiance, and submission" throughout Western history.
这是因为在整个西方历史中 , 摊开的手掌一直与“真理、诚实、忠诚和顺从”联系在一起 。
If someone's trying to look happy but really isn't, you won't see the wrinkles.
如果有人试图表现出开心的样子 , 但并不是发自内心的高兴 , 那么你是看不见对方的笑纹的 。
More recently, a study from Northeastern University researchers found that people could do a pretty good job of faking a Duchenne smile, even when they weren't feeling especially happy.
最近 , 美国东北大学的一项研究发现 , 人们即使并没有感到特别开心 , 也能伪装出完美的假笑 。
It seems safe to say that if the crinkles aren't there, the person's probably not genuinely happy. But just because the crinkles are there doesn't necessarily mean they're elated.
所以比较保险的说法是 , 没有皱纹的笑容证明一个人可能不是真正的快乐 。 但仅仅因为笑出皱纹 , 也不能确定一个人真的很开心 。
In the same way that real smiles shape the wrinkles around your eyes, worry, surprise, or fear can cause people to raise their eyebrows in discomfort.
真正的笑容会让你的眼周出现皱纹 , 同样地 , 担心、惊讶或恐惧等不适情绪会让人挑起眉毛 。
如果对方模仿你的肢体语言 , 那么你们的谈话可能进展得很顺利
When two people are getting along, their postures and movements mirror each other's. When your best friend crosses her legs, you will, too. If you're on a date that's going well, you'll both be making the same hand gestures.
当两人相处得愉快时 , 他们会模仿对方的姿势和动作 。 当你最好的朋友双腿交叉时 , 你也会这样做 。 如果你的约会进展顺利 , 你们就会做出同样的手势 。
This is because we mirror each other when we're feeling a connection, says positive psychologist Barbara Fredrickson.
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