

最初的可乐是一种药剂 。当时 , 美国的一位名叫约翰·彭伯顿的药剂师调制的“可卡克拉”是不含气体的,饮用时兑上凉水 。但有一天 , 一个酒鬼来到了彭伯顿的药店 , 营业员错把苏打水当凉水加入了可卡克拉 。

结果酒鬼居然爱上了这种味道,喝了一杯又一杯,且出去后大肆宣传 , 在彭伯顿去世前,他们将专利权出售,在1886年 , 世界上无人不知的可口可乐就这样诞生了,但当时的可口可乐的售价才五美分,且是作为药物出售 。销售的第一年,可口可乐仅售出了400多瓶 。


Do you know how Coca-Cola’s inventions? Let me tell you, that is the owner of a pharmacy shop – John Pemberton invented, no one thought It was an employee at the store’s small error, has brought him a lot of revenue. It turns out that their pharmacy shop hassomething called “coca Ke La” of medicine for a headache, one day, the medicine is gone, but there are guests. Employees scramblingmix soda with a drug to the guests, guests have tasted, tastes good. Then come back to buy, when Pemberton dropped, ask employeeswhat is pissed off. Employees say, Pemberton thought it could make a drink, and after many trials, a world famous drink–Coca-Cola,in a shop in a small pharmacy.


1886年,美国乔治亚州(Georgia)亚特兰大市的一位药剂师彭伯顿(Pemberton)自制了一种可以提神的药水,此药水深受顾客(customer)喜爱 。一天,有一位顾客来买这种药水,彭伯顿在忙乱中误将一种褐色溶液调了进去,无意中改变了配方 。不料 , 那位顾客喝了之后感觉味道(taste)比以前更好了 。这样,一传十,十传百 , 这种药水名气(reputation)大增 。于是彭伯顿决定改进这种药水 , 将其制成饮料,并请亚特兰大市著名的会计师弗兰克?鲁滨逊给自己的发明(invention)起个好听的名字 。鲁滨逊知识渊博 , 才气过人 。他稍加思索,便挥笔写下了“Coca-Cola”这个优美顺口的英文名字 。Coca-Cola的英文名只表示该饮料含有coca(古柯)和cola(可乐树)中的成分,并没有更深层的意思(meaning) 。但中文译名“可口可乐”不仅采用了双声叠韵使人读起来朗朗上口,而且“可口可乐”四字使人产生丰富的想像(imagination),即:“可口”又“可乐”,无怪乎“可口可乐”能成为最有价值的品牌之一 。


可口可乐的由来 在1886年5月 , 约翰潘柏顿医生( Dr.John S. Pemberton )正在研制一种用来医治感冒的新药物,一天,他在自己家中的地牢里,将古柯(Coca)的叶子和可乐(Kola)的果实在一个大铜锅里搅成一块 , 成为一深棕色的液体,这便是「原始可乐」 。法兰克罗宾逊( Frank M. Robinson )是潘柏顿的合夥人,他替「可口可乐」进行包装,并以两种原料Coca及Kola作为「原始可乐」的名称,取其名为「Coca Kola」,为了整其划一,将Kola的K改为C,然後再在两个字中间加上一划,便成为了风靡整个世纪的「Coca-Cola」 。「可口可乐」最初只是一种药物 , 在药房里出售,由於「原始可乐」的味道不太好,因此潘柏顿建议病人与梳打水一同服用,加入梳打水後的「原始可乐」便成为了「可口可乐」 , 病人试过之後发觉味道竟然非常好,自此之後「可口可乐」便开始在饮料店出售,售五分钱一杯 。↑约翰潘柏顿 可口可乐最初在饮料店售卖时并不受欢迎,直至有一天,富商艾萨凯德勒( Asa Candler )的头痛毛病又发,家中的仆人拿了一杯热可口可乐给他,他喝下了之後所有头痛都好了,於是他便买下可口可乐的股权,并大力发展,几经波折之後,可口可乐终於走上了成功的大道,更於1892年成立可口可乐有限公司 。Coca-Cola’s Origin In May 1886, John Dr. Pan Baidun (Dr.John S. Pemberton) is being used to develop a new drug to treat a cold day, he’s at his home in prison, the coca (Coca) The leaves and clonidine (Kola) at the fruits of a large piece of铜锅in搅成become a dark brown liquid, which is the “original Coke.” Frank Robinson (Frank M. Robinson) is a partner of Dayton PAN, for him, “Coca-Cola” for packaging and raw materials in both Coca and Kola as “original Coke,” the name, select the name “Coca Kola”, “Coca-Cola” was originally just a drug, sold in pharmacies, because of “original Coke” is not a good smell, it recommends that patients with PAN Dayton梳打use of water together, add water梳打of “original Coke” has become the “Coca-Cola” after the patient had actually found a very good taste, and since then, “Coca-Cola” began to shop at the sale of beverages, to sell a fifth of the money. PAN ↑ John Leighton Coca-Cola was first sold in the beverage store and unpopular, until one day, Isaac wealthy凯德勒(Asa Candler) headache and hair problems, house servant, took the hot cup of Coca-Cola to him after he drank all the Well have a headache, so he bought a stake in Coca-Cola, and to develop, after several twists and turns, the success of Coca-Cola has finally embarked on the road, but also in the establishment of the Coca-Cola Ltd. in 1892.
以上就是关于可乐的由来,可乐是谁发明的英文名的全部内容,以及可乐的由来的相关内容,希望能够帮到您 。
