theWorld Health Day 2022: Our planet, our health( 二 )
What can business schools do to help advance the healthcare industry in China?
I think, first, we can provide case studies. We need to research companies carefully and identify some key success factors, then come up with a framework that we can teach others using our Real Situation Learning Method? (RSLM?) and help them increase their chances of success.
For example, the strategy Chinese firms are using now is different from 20 years ago. Twenty years ago, when Chinese firms entered the healthcare sector, they took over low-end markets or developing countries first, and then went to mid- or high-end markets or developed countries. Today, when entrepreneurs start a healthcare company, they look to high-end development markets first. Why? Because over the past 20 years, these firms have gained a lot of experience in both low- and high-end markets. And, some of the senior managers from those companies have since quit and started up their own companies. These entrepreneurs have already accumulated knowledge and the network from both markets.
At the same time, distributors in places like Europe, for example, may already know these entrepreneurs because they had previously partnered with their former employers. They also have confidence that these entrepreneurs (and their new firms) can produce good products and services. Where, in the past, young Chinese firms would take their products to Africa or Latin America first, now they are able to move straight into the European or North American markets.
Michelle Zheng
Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour, CEIBS
What do you think is the biggest challenge facing organisations today when it comes to the health and well-being of their employees?
Recently, Apple TV+ released a sci-fi psychological thriller series called Severance . It follows a character named Mark who, following the loss of his wife, agrees to let his employer perform a “severance” – a medical surgery that permanently separates his non-work/personal memories from his work memories. Employees who go through this surgery remember nothing of their personal lives while at work. As a result, Mark acts more professionally and productively at his job. This plot may sound creepy and thrilling, but, in reality, employees and organisations often treat professional life a lot like Mark’s. We tend to believe that it is taboo to reveal one’s suffering from stressful events (that it is a sign of weakness and unprofessionalism). We should all behave professionally at work. However, stats have shown that one out of two employees will experience at least one traumatic event in their lifetime. A third of the working population suffers from poor psychological health. Because of this hidden suffering, employees experience emotional exhaustion, burnout, anxiety, and disengagement at work. This eventually takes a toll on organisations in the form of increased absenteeism, turnover rates, accident rates, and drops in productivity. With the world experiencing turbulence such as wars, pandemics, and financial crises, more employees are likely to suffer stressful events in their professional and personal life. Thus, the biggest challenge facing organizations today is, how can we deal with employees’ traumatic experiences?
What is one thing organisations can do to promote health and well-being amongst employees?
A traumatic event refers to an extreme form of stressful life event. It generates stress and anxiety that leads to pronounced central and physiological hyperarousal. Employees who work in inherently traumatic occupations (such as the military, policing, emergency services and rescue work) experience traumatic events due to the nature of their work. Nurses, doctors, psychotherapists, and social workers can also experience secondary trauma at work. Employees in ordinary work can also experience traumatic events such as career disruption due to injury, the sudden death of close others or abusive supervision.
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