
对于关于英语的教案教学设计范本,你会写吗?来看看吧 。作为一位杰出的教职工,就有可能用到教案,教案是保证教学取得成功、提高教学质量的基本条件 。那么应当如何写教案呢?下面是小编为大家收集的关于英语的教案教学设计范本,希望对大家有所帮助 。


1.知识目标:1)学习give, letter, sorry, like, tall, will, young, man, woman, snowman.
give…to…, look like
what does he/she look like?
she is tall like you.
2.能力目标:1)通过教学活动,培养学生的听、说、读、写的能力,尤其通过“听”和“说”,培养学生的英语语言运用能力 。
2)通过所设计的课堂活动,让学生主动参与,在合作探究中学会学习和交际 。
3.情感目标:1)通过教学,了解颜色及相貌在中英文中的区别,了解文化差异,提高学习兴趣 。
2)通过竞赛、小组合作学习等形式,调动学生的学习主动性和积极性 。
3)通过多种形式培养学生的口语交际能力 。
2)上课如何调动学生积极性 。
step 1 warm up:
enjoy a song
review the words about colors.
t: we enjoyed a song just now. we have learned some words about color in section a. now please answer my questions.
1) what color is it?
2) how do you spell it?
step 2 presentation
1.lead in 3.talk about the colors of some national flags. finish 3.
t: what color is the national flag?
where is he/she from?
what color is his/her hair?
what color are his/her eyes?
t: do pair works. then ask some pairs to act it out.
2. lead in 2.teach “what does he/she look like?”
(show another two pictures of women)
(teach new words and phrases: look like, tall, man, woman, young.)
t: what does the woman look like?
ss: she is young. she has short blond hair and a small nose.
t: what does the man look like?
ss: he is old. he doesn?t have gray hair. his hair is black.
(show the four pictures in part 2.)
t: turn to page 35, look part 2. match the descriptions with the pictures.
(ss match them)
t: let?s check the answers.
t: do pair works, ask and answer according to the four pictures.
3. pair work: talk about the pictures, finish 2.
step 3 look, listen and say
1.(拿出事先准备好的一个学生的书 。)
t: now here is a book. it?s not mine. it?s tom?s.
(然后请第一排的一位学生把书往后传递,最后递给tom 。导入新课 。)
t:运用手势提示 。)
(teach “give…to…”)
2. t: look at the picture. what?s this?
ss: it?s a
t: it?s maria?s letter. i want to . but i don?t know her. what does she look like?
3. listen and answer the questions.
t: listen to the tape and answer these two questions:
1) what class is maria in?
2) what does maria look like?
(ss listen to the tape and answer the questions)
t: let?s check the answers.
ss: 1) she is in class four grade seven.
2) she is tall like the girl, but she doesn?t have long hair. it?s short and brown.
4. teacher explain the language points.
5. listen to the video and repeat.
6. do pair works. then get some pairs to act it out. finish1a.
step 4 listening
1. guess the answers.
